Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Sunday, January 13, 2019

Peaceful Puppy and Sunrise

While our puppy is still snoozing, the sun rises.

And sometimes it's a glorious sight.

On this particular day, the mountains were completely enshrouded in clouds, as you can see in the video.

I needed that peaceful sight. Life has been a bit too hectic for me recently. Given that I have chronic pain, it doesn't take much to make me exhausted. Sights like that sunrise do help me to recharge.


  1. soooooooooo beautiful, both the sunrise and that upside down pup...

  2. The exhaustion "for no reason" still catches me off-guard, although I've gotten better at adapting. It's been a process, as they say. And like you, I appreciate the many, many opportunities to sort of inhale and absorb both peace and a recharge from nature.

  3. Good Rocky sunrise to you Haci and pack! Your blankie matches the red of the glorious sunrise.
    OMCs you Rocky folks know how to do sunrises.

    KB I sure do understand how chronic pain can be exhausting mentally and physically. It takes lots of concentration to get past them and carry on with what you love biking and extraordinary Dog Mom.
    Of course, I'm older than dirt so aches and pains from Uncle Arthur are expected, but sometimes they sneak up on me in double time. I had a new mystery neck pain all last week. I finally figured out it was 99% probably my pillow.
    Hugs and prayers for less pain for you this week.
    Hugs Cecilia

  4. That sky is amazing and the happy pup is adorable!

  5. Beautiful sky colours, and the pup, adorable. Let the pain go down, and enjoy the trio!!

  6. What a beautiful way to greet the day. Feel better.

  7. What an incredible sunrise! Pleasant dreams, Hachi.

  8. Looks like the start to ANOTHER perfect day.

  9. Upside down and at rest - that's a well-adjusted puppy!!!

    Beautiful video, beautiful sunrise. Hope you get recharged just like Hachi:)

  10. It's always good to get as much rest as you can when your puppy is at rest too. Your sunrise is spectacular.

  11. Your sunrises are just beautiful! Sure do wish your pain would disappear though.


  12. The sunrise colors are amazing, and so is Hachi's cuteness! :)
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets


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