Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Sunday, January 27, 2019

Black Dog Sunday - Need Good Vibes

Our Black Dog is back at the emergency hospital tonight (Saturday night). I had planned to make a really fun post but my heart isn't in it.
R and Hachi are truly becoming wonderful friends

He finished his antibiotics for a UTI and kidney stone a couple of days ago. A re-test yesterday showed that the infection had probably cleared up. But, here we are again, with him unable to urinate.
The Labraduo are teaching Hachi all sorts of lessons

We were warned that a UTI in a male dog of R's age can mean something very bad is going on inside him. A relapse increases the odds of that. That's why I feel so off-kilter tonight.
They let the little guy feel like he's winning

I feel fairly confident that we can get him feeling okay again, at least temporarily, with similar drugs as last time. But, the real question is, why is he getting these infections/stones?
Look at those eyes...
It seems so recent that R was the puppy in our photos. I am so glad that he is helping to raise Hachi. But, I'm greedy - I want many more years with R.

I am hoping that this is nothing but a simple relapse.


  1. my heart hurts with yours as I read this. so sorry R is having health issues and I pray the meds will work. I really have no words to say, how this post makes me feel and I know that is only a tiny part of the ache in your heart. hugs to all of you

  2. Hari OM
    Such a bittersweet offering today - the pictures made more poignant by the words. POTP coming R's way... YAM xx

  3. My heart sank when I saw the title of this post. Poor, sweet R, it's just so unfair that he has had to suffer all of these health issues. I will be keeping him in my thoughts all day...

  4. So very Sorry for your hole family but most to brave R who has to suffer so much. Love and good whises from Denmark. Yours EM

  5. And we hope it's very simple too. Sending prayers, hugs and plenty of POTP.

  6. Oh no, we're sending our very best purrs and prayers to dear R. Come on R, kick this thing in the butt and find the all better soon.

  7. UPDATE - R is home and has restarted the same drugs as last time (higher dose). He seems to feel good now... The tests have started to figure out why this happened, including an ultrasound very soon. Thank you for the good thoughts.

  8. Tons of AireZen and healing thoughts are coming your way, R! We want you back to 100% soon.

  9. <<>>> We too hope you have lots more time with R. Hachi and Shyla need him too. Poor guy just can't seem to catch a break. Lots of prayers from us and crossed paws from the dogs - POTP for R.

  10. We're glad to see the above comment that R is home and feeling better. All our paws are crossed for him and we hope he continues to do well.

  11. I'm glad R is back home with his family, and the medication is expected to make him comfortable again soon. I'll keep my fingers crossed that the underlying issue is discovered and resolved very soon. Meanwhile, I hope you can try to have a good Sunday.

  12. I echo Sandra's well-said sentiments. Sending positive thoughts and warmth to R and the rest of the pack!

  13. We are so sorry to read this, and will be sending many warm thoughts and hugs, and high hopes that they can figure out what's wrong and fix it. Hang in there.
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  14. So good to see the Update comment from you.Sending a heap of love to you all.

  15. We feel your worry and are crossing everything we've got that there is no further evil at work behind the UTIs. Feel better soon, handsome R!

  16. I hope it's just a simple relapse too. R will be in my thoughts and prayers. It's so hard to see them get old and have health issues.

    Have a blessed day. Big healing hugs. ♥

  17. We will keep our paws crossed. Such a worry. Glad Hatching is there to provide comic relief.

  18. Oh R I'm sending you all the good vibes I can muster up from the East they are on the way now I'm so very sorry you are feeling poorly. I had a few UTIs in my youth and I know they are absolutely no fun. Hugs to the parental units as they help you through this and of course the Vets.

  19. Thanks for letting us know the immediate crisis is over. Hope you and your team get to the root cause soon - and that it's a manageable one. Peaceful rest-of-Sunday thoughts to all!

    Chris from Boise

  20. We are keeping all our paws crossed for R. Glad that he is feeling better and hope they can figure out what is going on
    Hazel & Mabel

  21. sending tons of positive vibes. My Angel Bobo (a cat) had 6 kidney stones when he was around 14 years old.....(I actually suffer from chronic stones myself, medullary sponge kidneys). If they haven't removed the stone(stones), it is quite likely that he will continued to be bothered unless he can pass it on his own :(

  22. Oh, no! Sending lots of prayers for R -- and for you as well. Glad he is home now and has improved.

  23. Oh,so sorry to hear this. POTP from our mountain to yours.

  24. Sending you lots of hugs from Breckenridge!

  25. Sending lots of love to R and to you and the rest of your family. I hope this is something that can be fixed. Because you are so good at what you do here, I feel like I know him and just want to hug him. So I hope this will work out and you can have many more years with him.

  26. Oh! I'm glad the vet could relieve the pain, and I hope they can cure the underlying problem. Fingers crossed for you all.

  27. Sending the best of vibes, prayers and POTP for your most special boy, that you both find the strength, and the tests lead to the needed answers.

  28. forget my email I just sent, I just read about R. Oh I am so sorry he is not feeling well. I will be thinking of him and doing what I do when I worry about those I have grown to love. Good night friend

  29. So sorry R is ailing. Sending oodles of poodles of POTP his way.

  30. We keep sending good vibes for R ! We love R !!


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