Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Friday, January 25, 2019

Joyful Sights!

I saw two amazing sights in one day.

First, Shyla can fly, even when her takeoff pad is covered in a foot of wind-packed snow and when her little brother has been wearing her out with non-stop play! She is, hands down, the most amazing and graceful athlete of any dog I've ever known. She knows no fear when it comes to athletic feats.
She was at least 3' off the ground, for no particular reason except joy.

Second, on that same day, we had a sublime sunrise. The clouds started to light up when the world was mostly dark. I had to wait for the world to get a little brighter before it was safe to fly for a view from the sky.
That kind of long cloud means that there is wind aloft. So, I had to stay low and safe. Even with precautions, the drone encountered a bit of turbulence but I was still able to record some video.


  1. Your girl is truly amazing! I'm going to email you a photo of our Boo "flying" :)

  2. drone shot is so beautiful. I love the way the clouds are being blown flat. Shyla is AWESOME!

  3. That sky is so pretty and we love the flying Shyla!

  4. Shyla sure is a graceful flyer. We just love your sunrise videos too.

  5. You are amazing, Shyla and your sunrise shots and video are just exquisite, KB!

  6. KB you and Shyla make a dynamic duo: athlete and photographer.
    The Sunrise is breathtaking!!
    Hugs Cecilia

  7. I love seeing how you capture your super athlete doing amazing things. Well done, both of you!

  8. Your skies are always so amazing, and so are your action shots of Shyla. That is a very joyful dog!! ♥
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  9. I watched the clip on You Tube this morning at work.
    It was so beautiful to listen & watch as I started my day at 4:a.m.
    Of course a little cup of coffee helped too.
    Thank you for you kind word about Mitzie.


  10. Your photo of your girl, and video are amazing! The sunrise is truly a reason to get up early in the morning!

  11. People have been seeing brilliant sun sets through out creation but only people living now can witness the beauty of a flying Shiloh

  12. I'd love to see Shyla and Rye jumping near each other--Rye flies, too! I didn't even realize just how much she flies until we got photos from a photographer at one of our agility trials. She's so far over the jump and takes off so early! I think our girls would put on quite a show together ;)

  13. Shyla's joyful leap is even more beautiful than the sunrise!

  14. So much joy and beauty in this post,,,,, happy tears are in my eyes!
    Your Daughter of the Mountains can really fly!
    The video and music,, so beautiful!


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