Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Friday, January 18, 2019

Floating in the Sky...

You may remember that we spent an extended time in the Utah Desert at the end of October and start of November. In light of our new puppy, it's been blowing my mind to know that he had been born at that time... but we didn't even know it. We had our fabulous Labraduo without having any idea that Hachi was headed our way!

His mom is mostly chocolate Lab, and she gave birth to Hachi and his siblings out on the streets somewhere in Texas. They were still homeless while we were soaking up the sun in Utah. Thank goodness for all of the generous people who saved his mom's life and the life of her puppies. Thanks to those people, our lives intersected with Hachi's weeks later.

In the middle of our trip, we spent time at the most remote place of this trip. We were camped in a broad valley surrounded by unusual geological structures.

These structures made a eye-catching views from our camp.

In the next photo, you can barely see our LabMobile. The shadows  cast by the stunning walls looked like fingers reaching toward the Labmobile. They had almost reached our camp at 3PM in the afternoon.

At night in the desert, I love to photograph the stars from the van, with the distinctive geology painting an incredible picture at the horizon. I made those photos into a time lapse video showing the movement of the starts in the sky.

Many thanks to the LLB Gang for hosting the blog hop!!!


  1. hari OM
    ...it's nice to be reminded of the warmth, isn't it?! YAM xx

  2. I see shooting stars in the time lapse, it really is beautiful. I sometimes think about our lives the way you did about Hachi and your future connections. I do it with our new BB and with Bob and I. there are so many small things that cause a connection to a connection. when bob tells me stories of his youth, I think there he was in PA doing this and I was 8 years younger doing that, and on and on... I am so glad the people resuced the mom and her puppies and Hachi came to live with you.... we believe Big Boy was meant to come to us....

  3. our planet earth can be so wonderful...

  4. The time lapse is just incredible! We are so happy that Hachi is a member of your family. He couldn't be more fortunate.

  5. every dog I ever had was a rescue. and it's true what is said about them. they're just different. it's as if they actually know there life has been saved! I'm so glad he's a happy part of your life now.
    and I love that time lapse video. especially the music. it has an ancient quality about it that is most beautiful!

  6. I especially loved the clouds moving through at the end. It's tough to think of little Hachi and his family living on the streets, but so wonderful to see the life he has now. ♥
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  7. Hubby and I enjoyed Utah. We could have been there longer, but we soaked up what we could.

    Scritches to the pups.

    Have a fabulous day and weekend. ♥

  8. Such a pretty place and we are always amazed at those stars...but your trio are stars too!

  9. The red rocks of Colorado and Utah won my heart in 2017 with their beauty.
    Gorgeous photos.

    Hachi is a Texan....ohhhh tell him girlz like cowboyz.
    Hugs Cecilia

  10. The perfect music accompanies your video. Well done!

  11. What a wonderful life you lead. I am, and I think all of your followers are too, so very happy that Hachi was rescued together with his mom and siblings.

  12. What beautiful country...and love your view of the starts!

  13. It is weird to think of where a puppy was before you even knew they were going to be your puppy. So glad you found Hatchi and he is working out so well in your pack.

  14. Such intense beauty!
    We're so happy you and Hachi found each other!


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