Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Saturday, January 19, 2019

Magical Shyla as a Big Sister

Not too long ago, this girl was our puppy. We've traveled a long way since then... but the love remains so very strong.

She's my partner in heading out into the winter cold at sunrise. I think that she loves it like I do, at least partly because it's our special thing that we do together.

I've seen a whole new side of Shyla since Hachi joined us. She really loves playing with him, and she has incredible patience with him.

I don't really know what he did to make his ear fly in the air in this one but Shyla was still being a kind older sister.

Seeing her be such a wonderful big sister has made me love her even more.
She is magical.


  1. Hari OM
    ... sometimes having a young one around brings out the 'responsible'! YAM xx

  2. We love the piggyback photo! It takes a LOT of patience to raise a puppy and you are doing a wonderful job, Shyla!

  3. Such a beautiful and sweetie big sister!

  4. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh I love the piggy back ride Hachi is getting from Shyla. She obviously had maternal DNAs that have surfaced and are thriving with her baby brudder.
    Your girl's outings with Shyla are precious!!
    Love that ear action Hachi.
    Hugs Cecilia

  5. Oh my gosh - I love that first picture with Hachi on Shyla's head. Both expressions are priceless :)

  6. That Silhouette Moment Is A Beauty - Well Done - I Appreciate All Of Them But That One In Particular - Enjoy Your Saturday


  7. I am truly happy the three of them are loving each other.. the ear is soooo cute and Shyla looks happy

  8. What great pictures of Shyla and her little brother. She sure is being a great sister for letting him climb on her. She sure has come a long way.

  9. Aw, what great shots. Really great shots.

    Have a woof woof day. My best to your mom. ♥

  10. She is such a great big older sister. An a wonderful dog for you all
    XOXO Charlie and Hope

  11. and an A+ for being so patient with tiny needle-like little puppy teeth!
    I imagine both big brother and big sister will be glad when his permanent teeth come in! LOL!
    as always... your photos are worthy of any ever seen in National Geographic. xo

  12. It touches my heart to see them play together. And I think Hachi is movie star material. He has the most expressive face of any dog I have ever seen. And that ear!

  13. Your final photo , that is magical. She is so loving, and to be the older girl , what a way to go after all her early hesitations when she was a lot younger. Enjoy the last of your winter, we have a cool wind, so welcome, this morning.

  14. She is a good, good puppy!!!
    (They're always puppies to me. ❤)

  15. How wonderful that she is now getting to show you this aspect of her personality!! ♥
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  16. That last photo is definitely magical! What special pictures of Shyla and Hachi!
    Hazel & Mabel

  17. Hachi likes the camera win win!!

    ♥Astro and Mitzie

  18. We think Hachi was just what you all needed:)

  19. She really is magical, and just like R, is a perfect mentor and packmate for your little one!

  20. So love her 'flocked' nose. Bless the big sis.

  21. Shyla is showing her maturity with her little brother! So kind she is!

    We love that last photo so much too.


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