Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Sunday, January 20, 2019

Black Dog Sunday - And a Magical Big Brother

I am wonderfully happy with our big dogs' behavior with Hachi. They seem to trade off as to who babysits him.  Shyla had Saturday off from playing with Hachi, and R did yeoman's work.

Actually R seemed to like it.

R has a very different play style than Shyla does. Shyla likes to play with toys while R likes to wrestle.

And he likes to bare his teeth!

I just love Hachi's facial expressions before he "strikes" R.

During wrestling breaks, Hachi played in his tunnel. He adores it! He does laps around the living room that include sprints through the tunnel.
Happy Black Dog Sunday!


  1. Your happy Black dog and his best buddy made my Sunday am HAPPY... each photo tells a story of its own.. so sweet and it will take 2 of them to raise one active pup

  2. What great fun! Hachi has the best of mentors and packmates!

  3. Your very own tunnel inside the house, Hachi! What could be more fun! Love the pictures of the boys wrestling!

  4. So nice that both Shyla and R have different play styles to teach Hachi.

  5. Hari OM
    ..............&*<> ............. YAM xx

  6. Dear Black Dog,
    You are something special there buddy. You have the grace of educating and the patience of guiding the next generation of delight. You share your bed like a true champion and we all know that you are a warrior at heart. We Love You No Matter What And We Thank You For Making Us Better. Enjoy Every Meal And Thanx For Being You!!

    Much Love,

    1. Thank you. Our Black Dog has the biggest heart I've ever met. I get tears in my eyes when I think about how much I love him.

  7. Ohhhh Hachi it is so nice that you are able to learn to play boy stuff and be kinda gentle with toys and your sissy.
    Mom WELL done on the action photos of the pups
    Hugs C

  8. It's so great for Hachi to have two siblings who each like to play in different ways! I just got Luke's tunnel out today, since we've been stuck inside more lately. I have to encourage him a bit, but he does love running back and forth through it once I get him going.
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  9. The bonding time has gone so well, and together they are a true family. Those eyes say it all!!

  10. Quite the little live wire. We're more your wrestling dogs, too.

  11. Those ears just make me squeal with delight. What a little cutie!

  12. That is so wonderful and R is so sweet and we love the expressive Hachi face.

  13. Isn't it fun to watch the different dynamics within a pack? We think Hachi brought just the perfect personality to blend in so well with each of the older dogs.

  14. These posts always bring smiles to our faces. What a joy to see your big dogs playing so well with little Hachi.

  15. WAITS....you got a tunnel INSIDE??!!!!! MAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!! HACHI HAS A TUNNEL INSIDE HIS HOUSE!!!!! I wants mine inside too!!!!!!! what? no room? we can take all the furniture out and put my tunnel in! pawfect! hello? Ma, where did you go? nuts. Can I come overs and play in your tunnel Hachi?? I can teach you how to roll and roach in it! Sounds like you have the zoomies through it down BOL!
    R, you are so sweet with Hachi, if you evers needs a break I can be up there in no time!
    Ruby ♥

    1. Yes, we have the silliest living room ever right now! Please come visit, Ruby! You could teach the little guy SO much!!!!!!!!!!!

  16. What a great Black Dog Sunday! Little Hachi seems like such a great addition to your family!

  17. So much joy these threesome bring to you and runner!


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