Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Monday, January 21, 2019

The Local Puppy Bowl!

I thought that you might enjoy seeing a video of Hachi playing with other puppies. We've been attending several puppy socialization classes each week, giving Hachi the chance to play with puppies his own age.

These puppy socialization classes are thought to be really important, even for puppies who have adult dogs at home who like to play with them. Adult dogs grant special "puppy license" to be wild and don't always speak up when the puppy is too rough. Other puppies are far more likely to make it clear when a puppy is playing too rough.

Besides that, it's just plain fun! Enjoy the video of Hachi in his classes and then a clip with Shyla.


  1. is his wrestling partner a weimaraner?

  2. they should charge admission, I would pay to watch them

  3. I remember playing/beating up on other puppies when I went to class as a pup! It's so much fun and mom says, so entertaining!

  4. Aw, so adorable. Hachi is full of energy. Love that bell.

    I linked this post to Awww Mondays.

    Have a fabulous day and week. Scritches to the pups. ♥

  5. Hari OM
    All I can do is grin like cheese! YAM xx

  6. OH MY DOGS Hachi!!
    You literally had me giggling like a teenager. Looks like you met your match in the video with the
    Doodle with the same gorgeous fur color as you.
    I love this line, Adult dogs grant special "puppy license". Shyla was surely doing that
    Thank your mom for making this video.
    Hugs Cecilia

  7. Shyla is so patient with Hachi. It was also interesting to see the different way Hachi played with the puppy mastiff, and then with the poodle mix. We were very surprised to see the Siberian not join in with them. Guess he was more interested in being chased by that fast little zoomer.

  8. Puppy play groups and classes are so important. Glad he is having so much fun and learning socialization.

  9. Hachi sure is having lots of fun in class. I'm curious to know which of the two were vocalizing when he was playing with Shyla? Keep the Hachi cuteness coming.

    1. Shyla was making the almost continuous growly sound. When Hachi vocalizes, it's usually in the form of a high pitched bark!

  10. Dui was our only puppy to attend puppy school. It was fun watching the pups play.

  11. Looks like Hachi likes to take control when it comes to puppies his own size! lol I think you've got your hands full with this little boy. :)

    1. He seems to be learning to have the confidence to be lying on his back sometimes while playing now... a good sign, I think.

  12. Look at those pups wrestle! Too cute.

  13. Oooooooooo! PUPPIES! Just too cute! I missed out on puppy classes cause I was sick as a wee lass, and didn't want to gets, or gives, anything to anyone else. Ma thinks that 's why I bark my arse off at strange doggies on our walkies. ☺ this will be pawsome for you Hachi! Ma says not acting like me is a good thing! BOL!
    Ruby ♥

  14. Oh puppy classes are so fun. This got our day started with a big smile
    Hazel & Mabel

  15. It's so much fun to watch all that energy!!
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  16. Oh my goodness! Look at the little Siberian!!!!!!!
    This is so fun!

  17. Mighty cute,, both the puppies and with Shyla too!


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