Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Super Blood Wolf Moon

Our Sunday evening was all about the moon. We hiked out into the forest behind our house, hoping to see it rise. It was a bit cloudier than we hoped but the clouds made the moon look eerie as it rose.

Then, we headed back inside, enjoying dinner with some friends. Before we knew it, the lunar eclipse was just about to start. As you can see from the faint halo around the moon, there was still a lot moisture in the air and thin clouds.

The first half of the eclipse was beautiful but the view was hampered a bit by clouds. Then, when the moon was in total eclipse, the clouds started to clear. The moon was dark enough that stars were even visible!

Then, before we knew it, one side of the moon started to light up as our shadow on it started to shift.
As we watched the eclipse, we had the sense that coyotes were around. We were in the midst of a meadow that they love. I wished that they would howl... but they didn't.

This is my favorite photo of a coyote that I've ever taken. He was standing in a shaft of sunlight early one morning. The world around him was still dark but he was lit up by the incredible warm sunlight.
Coyotes are the closest wild relatives to wolves that we have around here. That's why they were on my mind during the Super Blood Wolf Moon. What a name!


  1. beuatiful!!! the mama missed it although we acted very lunatic...

  2. beautiful coyote and you catured the red moon perfectly. it was so bright white yesterday and today at 4 am we could see the bottom of the pool. no flashlight needed in the back yard for early am potty time

  3. Beautiful pictures! We'd been up early for a scent trial that day and couldn't stay up late enough to see the moon, so thank you for sharing your pictures of it.

  4. Such wonderful pictures of the moon! It was too cloudy here in Florida to see it.

  5. Thanks for sharing such beautiful pictures of this lunar eclipse. Around here it was still snowing hard so we didn't have a chance to see it. We have coyotes around here too but have never seen them. We hear them howling at night so we know they are around.

  6. Oh my word..............what gorgeous photos of the Super Blood Wolf Moon. You gotta love that name and the coyote is quite handsome.
    Hugs Cecilia

  7. We were sleeping when it happened, but we have seen another type of blood moon before and it was quite pretty! The coyote is gorgeous, BUT, we have them wandering in our neighborhood and that is creepy. Early mornings like before 6am, I will start to go nuts and Mom looks out and will see one or more going down the road and across yards. They don't seem to have a huge fear of humans around here which we are not happy about.

  8. Wow your moon shots are incredible! Being in the city, my view is always obstructed to not even try to capture an image. Thank you for sharing yours!

  9. Some incredible shots. We had a storm that night so we couldn't see the moon. Thanks for sharing your shots.

    Have a fabulous day. Scritches to the pups. ♥

  10. Hari OM
    Sadly our skies did what our skies always do... though I did manage a couple of (very hazy) shots of the early stages. I watched streaming from Griffith Obs - though of course, it was the wee small hours of the morning here (as in between 3 and 5 of the a and m!

    I love the coyotye shot - but find it reminds me, facially, of a fox more than a wolf. YAMxx

  11. Your photos are just gorgeous and the coyote is one very handsome boy!

  12. We just knew you would have some fabulous photos of the blood moon. Did you not hear The OP Pack howling at the moon? :)

    Amazing photo of the coyote - you should frame that one.

  13. That moon is amazing, we had downpours so we couldn't see a thing. That is a great photo of the coyote!

  14. We also had pouring rain during the eclipse, so I am loving seeing it through your lens!!

  15. Love these moon shots and glad you went out. The moon still hung big over the western peaks this AM.

  16. oh my you live in the best place to photograph that! But....I am NOT a fan of coyotes!

  17. Thanks for sharing your photos! We didn't stay up to see it, since there were a lot of clouds and we weren't sure how much we'd see. We were watching the moon earlier that evening though....the clouds were flying by it at high speed and it was lighting up the tops of the trees. It was so beautiful!
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  18. We have lots of coyotes and other predators in the woods where we live which is why we are indoor kitties. The Female Human loves all the furry critters that come around our house.
    Purrs & Head Bonks,

  19. I second (or third, or fourth) all the thank yous for the photos - dense clouds here too. That is a great coyote photo!

    Chris from Boise

  20. Wow! Those are absolutely amazing moon shots. Best I've seen from non-professionals. Wow!

  21. You got great photos of the blood moon!! We were too cloudy
    Hazel & Mabel

  22. So beautiful! We had cloud cover or were in another freezing rain scenario. Thank you for sharing your wonderful shots!

  23. I just knew you would be out looking at that moon , and capturing some photos! They are gorgeous KB! We looked but clouds were here and fog. Later in the night, we woke and the whole sky was lit up of course, We enjoyed that, Thank you for sharing


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