Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Puppy Cuteness

Little Hachi is a constant source of smiles in our house right now. After we took the tunnel out of storage (see photo below), we haven't been able to put it away because Hachi adores it so much. He does sprints around the living room that often include trips through the tunnel!

He appreciates every last toy that we have out. Our living room seems to be filled with toys right now, and we smile about it.

I have been having a blast training him. He is our first tiny puppy since I became confident with many aspects of positive training. It is an eye opener to see how much a tiny puppy can learn, as long as I don't overwhelm him.

Maybe I'll teach him a pose like this someday!
I made a video of some of cute behavior he's done during training. I've been using a clicker and treats to teach him to touch his nose to the end of a pointer. With the method that I was using ("shaping"), I didn't try to show him what to do. Rather, I relied on his puppy curiosity to lead him to sniff the end of the pointer, and I clicked/treated him for touching his nose to it. I definitely let the session go on too long because he got really silly about it. That's the first clip of the video.

The second clip is a continuation of something that I started very early, when he was a bit over 8 weeks old. I taught him that he could earn treats by making eye contact with me. I've gradually made that game more difficult so that he lies in a down, and I put treats where he can see them. In this video, I used CHEESE as his pile of treats to earn, which he LOVES. He went a little crazy over the sight of a pile of cheese on the ground in front of him. It is incredible to me that, without any prompting by me, he remembers how to earn the cheese.

The third clip is a typical bout of play among the three dogs. Enjoy the video.


  1. Hari OM
    Hachi got a new bell on his collar... and oh my word, what a good boy with the cheese - I was actually grinning and saying that out loud just now! YAM xx

    1. Yes, a new bell. The reason is that the other one was attached by velcro. He got it off, and chewed it so that we couldn't re-attach it. So, he now has a "big dog" bell. It helps us to keep track of where he is!

  2. I loved the fun video... he is so smart.. I like the fact he got to where he did not touch the pile of cheese until you gave him a piece. I need training to be a trainer. I laughed at the toys all over and the tunnel fun

  3. That was really a fun video, he really is a smart one and it's so nice to see them all playing together!

  4. I love the ears... they are so super cute!!!

  5. Our living room always looks like a toy story has exploded in the middle of it! Part of me wants a tiny puppy to try all of my training knowledge on, but Rye was enough work at 8 months old when I got her, that I know I don't have the time or energy for that right now! Maybe some summer vacation in a few years ;)

  6. Hachi is a source of smiles for us every time we see him in pictures and video too. It's great to see all three playing together. That long tug toy is great for a three way game of tug.

  7. He's so cute. He's so smart. I can tell you don't like him very much though.

    I linked this post to Happy Tuesday.

    Have a fabulous day. Scritches to the pups. ♥

    1. I am surprised that you think that I don't like him, although maybe you were being sarcastic? I adore him. Perhaps my lack of talking made you think that? In clicker training, it's best not to mix him up by communicating via talking in addition to the clicker. The clicker is the communication avenue. A little guy like him would lose his concentration on the clicker if I talked as well.

      In any case, Hachi has totally stolen my heart. I thought that was obvious. :)

  8. WOW he was good about the cheese!
    I'm wondering how long you'll keep the bell on him all the time? Is it because he gets into trouble (hard to believe of that sweet pup - hahaha!) if you don't know where he is?

    1. Yes the bell is to keep track of him so he isn't chewing something when we're not looking. He'll keep wearing it for quite a while - until he's mature enough that we can trust him to roam the house without us keeping tabs on him. I can't remember at what age our other pups became trustworthy.

  9. Those Ears - Too Cute - Stay Strong Black Dog


  10. We love watching Hachi's little puppy brain hard at work trying to figure everything out and that puppy voice - OMD♥

  11. Hachi truly has tunnel vision. What a wonderful training with the point. I was amazed that he did not dive for the treats when you moved you hand. Well done wee one.
    The Labra&Pup trio are adorable playing.
    Hugs Cecilia

  12. PS meant to say I think his ears are A D O R A B L E!! Very expressive

  13. What a treat to watch the puppy learn.

  14. Our tunnel is always a winner with puppies too, and even older dogs sometimes have joined in the fun. So nice to see what a happy fellow Hatchi is. Such a loved little guy by his furry and human family.

  15. Love those beautiful yellow eyes of Hachi's! I love doing clicker training because it is non verbal, helps us both concentrate. Doing good little one. Very impressed with the cheese as well. So much puppy fun!

  16. I cannot get over how bright Hachi is!!! He waited so patiently til you gave him the ok to get the cheese. Ok am I blind, the person above said Hachi's eyes are yellow?? I saw BLUE eyes!

  17. I just had a smile on my face through that whole video. I love how his ears are always perked forward, and how he "talks" while training. I can't believe he didn't jump on that pile of cheese either....I'm not sure even Luke could do that! :)
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  18. What a fantastic video, I sure am enjoying watching Hachi grow and learn!!

  19. You guys aren't the only ones smiling.

  20. Loving this videos KB! Its obvious to us how much all of you are in love with Hachi! R and Shyla love him to pieces!! Hachi is so smart! A cheese lover! We still have toys all over our house, and Tweedles is 12 and a half.. Its like romper room here,, its a happy feeling,,, isnt it?
    Your such a good trainer KB!

  21. Absolutely loved the videos!!!!! He is one very smart little guy and seems to learn very quickly. And you are the perfect trainer! :)

  22. OH my goodness, cuteness overload!!! His ears are just too funny - love how they flop over his brows:) And smart as a whip - that's Hachi. Great seeing the trio have fun together too.

  23. Hachi is so fun to watch! So amazing how much a puppy can learn.
    Hazel & Mabel

  24. Oh, that video is pawsome! Was that freeze dried chicken???? OMD, that is my fav!! You are one smarty pants...um, tail Hachi!
    I somehow missed the posties with R and his UTI ~ I am glads he is feelin' betters with the meds, and I gots my paws crossed that there is no serious cause behind them. Sendin' lots of AireZens and healin' vibes!
    Ruby ♥

    1. Believe it or not, Hachi didn't seem to like freeze-dried chicken when I offered it to him. I'm going to try it again soon because a puppy would have to be CRAZY not to like it :)

  25. Not only is Hachi cute as a button, he's smart as a whip!


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