Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Sunday, February 17, 2019

Black Dog Sunday

I've had a good week with our Black Dog. I spent a good bit of time with him out on the trails!

Here he is atop Hug Hill on a Blue Bird day.

This boy loves to run! This photo is just a bit below the summit of Hug Hill.

And he has crazy ear days, like this one. He's a Lab, despite the appearance of his ears.

On another day, both R and his sister joined me for a bike ride on the trails. Hachi is too young for this level of exertion yet. We wait until our dogs are a year old before they run for longer distances.

R seemed to have a blast with his sister.
Happy Black Dog Sunday.


  1. Dear Human,
    I Love Black Dog Sundays. I Do Love My Family But Sundays Are Something Special. Just Saying!!

    Best Day Ever

  2. You both look like you are having lots of fun!

  3. R, you are a legend to be out there and running, enjoying the hills and snow. Fun, fun, glorious fun. ( apologies to Donald Swan as I am sure snow is far better than mud for your doggies to play in).

  4. R my handsome black lad...you look like a pup in the pictures. So shiny and such pep in your step.
    Hugs Cecilia

  5. Great action shots. Your babies are so very precious.

    Have a fabulous day and week. Scritches to the pups. ♥

  6. They do look like they are having tonnes of fun!

  7. Piper and I are both going a little stir-crazy with the ice here. It's a challenge just staying on our feet. Even the goats seem to be sick of it, though I may be over-interpreting!

  8. I always look forward to Black Dog Sunday. I love that pup, he makes my week. :)

  9. It is so great to see R doing so well!!! ♥
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  10. They both are having so much snow fun!

  11. As much as we know R and Shyla both love Hachi, we bet they enjoy some alone time and Duo time with you on the trail. Happy faces!!!

  12. As much as R & Shyla have faced challenges, All I see is a happy dogs.

    Happy Crazy Love them both to the moon!

    Astro and Mitzie

  13. Looks like such great fun :D Jet and Arli

  14. these photos have me felling all warm and fuzzy and happy.... R is sooooo handsome in the second photo... i wish i could hug both of them and of course Hachi.....

  15. We are so happy that R is doing so well
    Hazel & Mabel


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