Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Monday, February 18, 2019

Humongous Paws!

I did a fun little photo session with Hachi yesterday. I thought that you might enjoy it.

He led off by nose poking my lens... which smudged it, and I didn't realize it until after we finished!  Please ignore smudges in the photos!

His humongous white paws kept catching my photographic eye. I cannot imagine him growing into them!
Sitting Tall

Look at my Paws!
It's time for action! (The hardest part of photographing a puppy is their need to take sprints around the room every few minutes!)

And his incredibly sweet eyes.
We love him.


  1. wow they are pawsome!!! da nelly has such big paws too and I'm happy for that because I can walk in his footprints and he gets da rocket for messing up the house lol

  2. The smudges bring more character. What a sweet boy!

  3. You are just the most adorable puppy with the biggest feets, Hachi!

  4. not only do you love him, I LOVE HIM... those paws are soooooo sweet and I can't wait to see how BIG he gets....

  5. What great pictures of such a cute little guy. He sure is growing up fast and will fill out those paws in no time.

  6. Hachi.................OMDs....you are 1000% absolutely ADORABLE as for the nose prints on the camera lens...I'm pretending they are wonderful puppy kisses from you!!
    I love him and and his siblings and how much they make me smile
    Hugs Cecilia

  7. We all learned quickly about modelling for the camera. Sometimes at our sports trials we notice the camera and will walk over and strike a pose. Everyone laughs, and Mom says to get back to work. He is already such a classy puppy model.

  8. Hari OM
    Hatchi, if you grow as big as those paws suggest, you'll be frightening the bears of the neighbourhood!!! Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

  9. I love his little worry wrinkles on his forehead! LOL!
    with so much love and two beautiful strong siblings... what could he be worried about! XOXO

  10. Aw, he's adorable and those big paws. He's going to be a big boy. Great shots.

    Have a woof woof day, Hachi. My best to your peeps and your siblings. ♥

  11. Those eyes!!!! We think they have a message for you - Hachi adores you!!!

  12. Oooh, those ARE some mighty big paws! How exciting!
    Cam and Mags

  13. Those eyes are guaranteed to have hearts aflutter! What a sweet pup - oh my, those PAWS!

  14. What fun photos!! Hachi is going to be a big boy if he grows into those paws! :)
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  15. I LOVE HIM TOO! Whatta cutie and what a handsome boy he is! I've noticed his paws before, and they look so strong, solid and muscular - Perfect for the place he calls home!

  16. Hi Hachi! Are you wearing big white slippers, or are those really your paws? Xena
    Never mind Xena, Hachi, she can be rude. I think you are adorable and would mother you and play with you if you were here. Love, Lucy


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