Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Friday, February 15, 2019

Fast Friday out in Nature

I took the trio for a hike yesterday in the midst of a gray and cloudy day. Our world is covered in such a deep layer of snow!

Hachi is learning to come when called. No one can teach a young dog as well as a pair of adult dogs!

The adults almost always let the puppy win!

And if the adults get close enough to pass, the puppy has those sharp little teeth as weapons!
Happy Nature Friday. Many thanks to our friends, the LLB Gang, for hosting this blog hop.


  1. now we know why the saying all good things come in threes was invented... after that wise man saw a photo of you :O)

  2. I almost always sit here laughing and chuckling when i see these dogs together.. i really laughed at the racing shots.. Hachi is determined to be the Leader of the pack... makes me happy, wish i could see them play

  3. I don't know how you get them to all sit long enough for that first portrait!
    Box Canyon

    1. Hachi is learning the word "stay" plus he likes to do whatever his older siblings are doing. So he stays when they stay!!!! Miracles never cease.

  4. You are such a cheater, Hachi! We LOVE the photos!

  5. Piper had a friend, Wolfgang, when she was a young hound. Wolfie's owner was amazed that he would let Piper win races and would share his toys with her. He was a great dog, and a best pal for walks in the woods :)

  6. Talk About A Photograph Worth A Thousand Words. Absolutely Precious!! The Expressive Eyes, The Wide Spread Paws, & The Power of Love Are All Captured Here. Well Done!!


  7. You take the best actions shots. Wow.

    Have a woof woof day and weekend all you pups. My best to your mom. ♥

  8. WEll I'm speechless because I'm smiling so big not sure I could form words....but then I'm rarely ever w/o words. OMDs...that first photo WOW!!!! What a gorgeous trio of K9=ness!
    Hachi is eager to please the big dogs. Love the last one with him whispering sweet nothings in Shyla's ear.
    Hugs Cecilia

  9. Oh Hachi...you look so serious in that first photo...and then it melts into puppy sillies BOL!

    Rosy, Jakey & Arty

  10. Beautiful photos. Just gorgeous. What fun in the snow!

  11. I've been sitting here during a late lunch reading you post and I have fallen in love with your pack! Thanks for commenting on my blog so that I could find you! P.S. It shows me commenting as bzsynagogue because I am at work. It's really from lexitheschnauzer.com where you commented on Lucy's Valentine's Day card. :)

  12. Hachi sure has grown already. What a great set of pictures this is. You are so lucky to have such good mentors in the big dogs for Hachi.

  13. Have always had a puppy with an older dog. Does help with the training.

  14. Sweetest, cutest threesome ever! Do I use the word 'sweet' too much when I comment on this site - can't be helped!

  15. We just LOVE these photos! What happy puppies!!!
    Cam and Mags

  16. Oh my gosh, these photos made me smile so much!!! ♥♥♥
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  17. Hachi is really growing taller!!! He really does love his siblings.

  18. OH MY! can the pictures and lovey-ness of these three get any better?!!! I LOVE IT!

  19. Love that they are all running together! Nothing better than having two extra trainers to help the little one.

  20. That first photo!! Love it!!!
    Hazel & Mabel

  21. So cute! Training with the older siblings is the best training in the world!

  22. Letting the puppy win is really sweet, but may just be a form of self preservation until those puppy teeth are gone!

  23. Love these photos! R and Shyla are such good teachers!


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