Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Thursday, February 14, 2019

Thankful Thursday - A Puppy's Winter Coat

I am so thankful for positive training. Now we're using it to help Hachi learn to like his winter coat.

By way of background, Hachi gets cold outdoors on our coldest days. He has shorter fur than our Labs. So, he needs to wear a coat so that he can go for hikes on frigid windy winter days. For this photo, it was fortunately warm in the sun!

For colder days, we bought him a coat, only to discover that he was afraid to wear it. At first glance, he seemed most concerned with the process of us putting it on him. For that reason, I thought up a game to help him conquer his coat.

Before I share video of it, let me point out that this game showed me that I need to go more slowly in helping him learn not to be afraid of his coat. You'll see that, although he played the game seemingly happily, he wasn't completely comfortable with it. His body language tells you that.

Here is the video.

My friend, who has used positive training with all sorts of animals, suggested some ideas for breaking down this game into more manageable pieces. For example, getting Hachi used to having the coat touch his back, without adding how we'll actually put it on him.

We'll keep working on it and figure it out, hopefully before the next -12°F cold snap!


  1. Hari OM
    He's so smart, I guarantee that when he associates coat=walkies, there will be tail wagging when it comes out!!! YAMxx

  2. What A Delightful Trio Moment - They All Carry Such Personality - Brilliant


  3. You will come to love your beautiful red coat, Hachi. I sure do love mine! Happy Valentine's Day!

  4. We love that photo and yes, he isn't quite sure what to think of that coat yet, but he'll get it. Happy Valentine's Day from all of us and thanks for joining the Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  5. We bet Hachi will be wearing his coat and liking it real soon. He is so lucky to have you help him through the process. Happy Valentine's Day.

  6. Hachi is SUCH a smart puppy! I wonder if he'd feel a bit more at ease if the coat was held up so he is looking up and toward the light to put his head through the neck, instead of looking/crouching down? Just a thought. I think a lot of animals feel vulnerable when the back of their neck is grab-able.

    1. Thanks! I think that you are right. That's my next step is to get the coat higher and reward him for letting it touch his back...

  7. BRRR! Hachi, trust me, buddy, the coat is a good thing!! I wear a coat when it's not NEARLY as cold as it is up there. It's like having a hug your whole walk!

  8. I am sure he will love it soon, you are amazing with your training and he looks like he was already getting used to it... love the trio

  9. Hachi you make me smile so big my face hurts!!! Bravo to you and your loving mom. It is all about trust right! Might I add as an incentive....OMDs do you look so handsome in RED!!!
    Hugs Cecilia

  10. We had to wear a coat as tiny ones too, but then our furs came in and we have not put one on since, just the shoes on the below zero days. Good luck Hatchi!

  11. It takes them time, but he'll love his coat very soon. He'll be happy he has it when he goes outside too.

    Have a woof woof day all you pups. My best to your peeps. Happy Valentines Day. ♥

  12. That's a good idea. Dogs here can't move if they have anything on. Good thing we don't have those temps.

  13. Have a wonderful Valentine's Day with the trio. Guess Hachi will very soon be happy to have his coat on with snow falling.

  14. He is so very smart! I just love your training videos!

  15. Luke has probably the same type of fur as Hachi, very thin, especially underneath. He's been wearing coats and sweaters since he was a little puppy. Of all the things we've had to work on with him, most of them with no success, coats (and harnesses) were easy. I have no idea why, I'm just grateful.
    I have no doubt that you'll get this worked out with Hachi in time!
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  16. I just smiled when he put his head all the way through and then looked like he wondered where that big red thingy went when it was on his back. I see the size bell you have on him. I need to think about that as I worry most about her getting injured and me not knowing where she is. This place is littered with holes.

  17. Hachi is a smart boy - it won't be long before he loves his coat. We know you have to have that bright color because of where you bike and hike, but just as an aside, our Angel Phantom was very much afraid of anything red.

    Happy Valentine's Day to all of you!!!

    1. That is very interesting about red and Phantom. I just ordered his third coat because I think that it will be easier for him to get used to. But, alas, it's red!

  18. What a very clever way to encourage him to put his head through! We are sure he will be wearing that coat proudly before too long
    Hazel & Mabel

  19. Tooo cold for me, coat or not, but great you guys have fun with the training.

  20. He's so smart and your loving touch is going a long way. Stay warm. It's snowing down here right now with a lovely dusting. This after seeing the first batch of blooming crocuses yesterday!


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