Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Life is good.

Sunrise is getting later, and the angle of the sun is changing. This spot in our forest just started getting that warm reddish light of sunrise this week.

Shyla and I love to play in this aspen grove, especially during the fleeting time when the sun shines on it so early in the morning. My recollection is that this sunrise light on Shyla's leaping log lasts only about a week. Since it's supposed to snow for the second half of the week, we'd better get out and enjoy it again tomorrow!
We heard a woodpecker drumming on a tall dead tree while we played this morning - another sign that spring is coming! I love the rebirth of the world as it heads toward springtime.

When we arrived home, we were greeted by the boys who were lying in a sun puddle. Hachi took advantage of having both of his siblings at home by crossing his paws and snoozing in between them.

I think that Hachi is utterly content.
Life is good.


  1. we so agree... and to see the trio together makes it even better ;O)

  2. Hachi has his own living fur coats to keep him warm. they look as happy as big boy is in his sun puddles. we are losing Big's sun puddle, the sun is moving to the North and soon he will not have any in the kitchen but by then it is to hot to lay in it...the leaping photos are amazing and in the first one she looks like she is bursting through a wall. she is so beautiful

  3. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Shyla you are full of joy and it is obvious in your element outside romping with your Mom...gal bonding.

    I bet you both smiled big smiles when you saw your boys waiting. I love how Hachi crosses his front paws..
    Hugs Cecilia

  4. What great shots and Hachi is part of the pack and he knows it. So precious.

    I linked this post to Happy Tuesday.

    Have a woof woof day. My best to your peeps. ♥

  5. Shyla sure looks like she enjoys leaping and having her picture taken. Little Hachi sure has wormed his way into his siblings hearts. Such a sweet picture of him between his bigger sibs.

  6. We love watching you leap so gracefully over your logs, Shyla! You are the luckiest boy on the planet to have Shyla and R on either side of you, Hachi.

  7. Yes, the light! Yesterday I rejoiced to see the sun well over the horizon at the time when, weeks ago, the first ray was barely peeping over. And now I can delay evening chores a bit as well, although this winter I've gotten into the habit of doing a final round at about 8PM, with a flashlight, anyway. So peaceful out there at that time - the goats already settled and quiet, and Moxie or Della, sometimes both, joining me for a moonlit adventure before bedtime.

  8. The little guy sure does feel happy, safe, and secure in his new home.

  9. I Cant Believe That Sun Puddle Moment - Another Brilliant Shot - Just Love Those Faces


  10. What a difference between happy and relaxed Hachi and Shyla when she was young. Look at her now. Yes, life is good. And spring will come again.

  11. hari OM
    oooohhhh I want to dive into that sunpuddle too!!! YAM xx

  12. We are also hoping for the sun to be out longer during the day and winter to move on already. You have such a happy group there. Hachi is ready for a nap in the wonderful sun puddle. Thanks for sharing the lovely photos. Have a wonderful day.
    World of Animals

  13. Life is good for sure, and we think Hachi has a lot to do with that:)

  14. Hachi is such a sweet guy!! I just love your trio. We've had very cold temps again lately, and now we're getting more snow. I'm ready for spring already I think. LOL
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  15. Get ready for the storm, KB! We're to have high winds with it, too. Love those photos of play and rest.

  16. My feeders were low today, which kept the squirrels away, so I had lots of birds including woodpeckers. This winter we haven't had the blue jays we had last winter. As we prepare for at least 15 inches of snow overnight, we don't think spring is ever coming!

  17. you capture sunlight like no other! but then look at your subjects! :D
    beautiful. perfect contentment.

  18. those paws, gorgeous together. Enjoy the lengthening sunlight.Dowm here, darker mornings,


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