Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Monday, February 11, 2019

Hachi Plays and Trains

Hachi is changing so fast that I can barely keep up. Physically, he's almost doubled in weight since we met him. He seems to be about twice as tall too! But, he still plays like a crazy puppy!

Some of the biggest changes are mental. I've played with him, and injected a bit of training, almost every day since we met him. He's learned an incredible number of words and behaviors. "Sit" and "down" are no longer difficult by themselves. I've begun teaching him to "stay" in those positions.

You'll see him work on a "down-stay" in this video. You'll also see me asking him to "out" the toy, which means that he needs to release it from his mouth.

I like to work on these types of behaviors in the midst of raucous play because it's much harder for him to stay in a down or release a toy or when he's revved up by playing.

Check out the short video! (Excuse my silly outfit in it. I'd just returned from a snow bike ride with Shyla.)


  1. he is amazing... I could watch him for hours!!!

  2. Hari OM
    Wow, how tall Hachi is becoming too!!! YAM xx

  3. I never thought about the importance of knowing the command out.. we needed that with Jake the hunter, as in when he had a snake in his mouth, or a duck or frog.. Hachi is changing by the day and getting more handsome each day and soooooo smart.
    thank you for showing all that you do. today when we came in the door at 6:30, our non playing big boy, ran to the basket grabbed green snake and raced in circles, throwing it in the air, when we let him out and went with him, he left it in the kitchen. as he returned in the house he grabbed it and the fun began, he tossed and flapped it and chased it every time I threw it. we laughed ourselves silly.... he is almost 360 degree change from the day we got him. all due to what I have seen you do with Shyla over the past couple of years... I learn something new each time I come here PLUS it is PHUN

  4. I love your training videos! When I was growing up back in the Dark Ages, obedience classes didn't accept dogs under 6 months old. And look what Hachi knows at 15 weeks! So impressive that he can Out and Stay with flirt pole distractions!! Isn't it fun to engage that busy mind with positive training methods?!

    Chris from Boise

  5. You are one smart puppy, Hachi! We love watching you and your mom working together!

  6. He's most adorable. So photogenic. A huge Aw. We are all in love with Hachi.

    Thank you for joining the Awww Mondays Blog Hop.

    Have a woof woof Awww Monday, Hachi. My best to your peeps. ♥

  7. Hachi is having so much fun he doesn't even realize he is learning something too. What a smart pup with a great trainer too.

  8. Great Video But Your "An Extraordnary Big Brother" Post Melted My Heart - Well Done


  9. Wow, is he handsome! And doing so well with the play training. That toy on a stick looks like a heavyduty version of a cat toy, and Hachi is playing with it in much the same way as a kitten would, except without the magical levitation effect that cats come with ;)

    1. I hasten to add, considering Hachi's size, he's probably got all the levitational capability you'd want him to have!

  10. Training in all different types of situations and places is so important when we are young pups. We have trouble with generalization, so sit at home works, but sit out on a walk is not the same to us. Keep up the hard work, little fellow.

  11. the look on his face in that first picture... priceless!
    he's a keeper alright. but then I tend to feel that way about ALL dogs!
    how can we not!? ohmygosh. how I love them!

  12. Beautiful Hachi! What an amazing athlete you are becoming!

  13. We think he's going to be a puppy for a long time!

  14. Bravo Bravo Hachi!! OMDs that would be a great feline toy too. They love anything on a string.
    I like your bell
    Hugs Cecilia
    PS Gracie got an A+ on her check up

  15. We thought he was looking a lot taller!!! We are amazed at his self-control to hold his stay as you tease him with that toy:) Good boy, Hachi.

  16. I could watch Hachi all day!! Those ears are sooo cute!!!!

    He's doing such a great job with his training!

  17. I can't get over how handsome and smart he is! Such a good pup, learning so fast!

  18. What a smart boy!!! So fun to watch his training
    Hazel & Mabel

  19. I made Hailey watch the video to see what a good puppy was like 🤣

  20. Wow he has gotten sooo big! He reminds me of a cat chasing that toy lol!!!!!

  21. Hachi we love watching you! You are such a good boy!

  22. What a fun toy! Is that something you bought, or did you make it? He obviously loves it. It is so impressive that you can get him to stop in the middle of playing to do his cues.
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

    1. I bought it. It's called a flirt pole, which is sort of like a horse whip with a toy attached to the end. I can dig out exactly what item it is if you want me to. Just drop me a line (kynabear5 at gmail) if you want more info on it.

    2. Thank you! I found a whole bunch on amazon. I think Luke might enjoy a toy like that, I'm just trying to figure out what he might like best on the end. They come with fleece toys, or the stuffed toys like you had (and also rope toys!); he enjoys both those things so I'll have to decide.


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