Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Sunday, February 10, 2019

Black Dog Sunday - An Extraordnary Big Brother

Our Black Dog makes us smile so much.

He may be 11 years old but he doesn't act like it. He runs on our trails every single day. He almost never limps on his front limb that had such serious surgery a few years ago. I am so happy about him!

He still does a "flying nun" imitation every now and then. This has been a specialty of his for many years!

R runs hard on the trails and then snoozes peacefully when he gets home. Today, R and Hachi snuggled together during an afternoon nap.

Hachi was so content with his big brother. For his part, R really loves his little brother.

Hachi looks up to R with reverence.
Big brother and little brother - a bond that is growing and growing.


  1. R is so handsome and they are so sweet together.. I love R's flying Ears, kind of an imitation of Dumbo but cuter

  2. Hari OM
    R is so handsome - I have started thinking of him as something of a pirate or secret agent type of personality, with eye patch and dashing panache!!! YAM xx (who will have to place a 'squee' box by the laptop for every time she visits this page. A fortune could be saved in no time!!!)

    1. Hah! I was reading while Sandra was commenting and it seems we thought the same thought!!!

    2. I love the image of R as a pirate or secret agent! It made me smile, ear-to-ear!

  3. They are so precious together♥

  4. You sure look wonderful handsome R and that brotherly love is beautiful!

  5. R is such a great big brother. I love his Flying Nun ears.

  6. Awwwww so cute. What a good big brother.

  7. Such a handsome boy...R. We have a lab x at the river that gets that 'Sister Bertril' thing happening, too.

  8. I love these beautiful pictures. you seem able to capture their very souls! especially their faces.
    I know I'm late to this wonderful blog. and perhaps you've answered this question... but does R stand for his name? or is it just R? and do they wear a bell for safety? like when you're outside? foolish prying questions but just have always wondered! forgive me if it's an intrusion. I will just enjoy what you choose to share! xo

    1. R does stand for his name. I don't have your email address - but I could email you more explanation if you want to leave the address here (or send it to me kynabear5 at gmail). Outdoors, they wear bells for two reasons - so that we can hear where they are if they are in the forest and so that the wildlife hear them coming (and usually hide). Hachi wears a bell all the time primarily so that we can use our ears to keep track of him indoors. He's still at the age where he can get into lots of trouble in the house! You're not prying - thanks for asking!

    2. how kind of you to be willing to share! and be assured that I will not share it with anyone else.
      my email address is tammyrdjames@gmail.com
      I figured the bells might be for their own safety actually. given the type of wildlife that you share with your neighborhood there! thank you in advance. and have a wonderful week!

  9. Sally Fields is very jealous of R's imitation of Flying Nun I'm sure.
    He is so shiny. Precious photo of Hachi and his big wonderful brother.
    Hugs Cecilia

  10. So sweet!!! I swear, in some of those photos when he's running, R still looks like a puppy! ♥
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  11. Hachi has stolen my heart. Faith says: What about me, me, me....

    I read your answer to Tammy's question above, and now I think I should put a bell on Faith. She took off after a large coyote yesterday and fortunately turned and came back when I called (screamed, is more like it). I hadn't noticed the bells, I will check for them or is there a special kind, size, or maybe it will be too late to introduce one since Faith is almost five now.

  12. R's flying ears are incredible!!! And we love that bond he has with his little Hachi. Here we see Timber view Misty more as his playmate and partner in crime, while he seems to adore Lightning.

  13. Isn't it great when everything you hope for come true?

  14. Oh my! Hachi is getting BIG!!!!!! Did he sprout over night or somethings??!
    R is such a good Big bro! I just knows you are all so happy with the pack!
    Ruby ♥
    pees: Hachi, if you needs some doggie to teach you some mischief, just lets me know...

  15. R, you are just like a big puppy, and so gentle! You are beautiful and strong,,, and so good with your little brother!


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