Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Saturday, February 9, 2019

Portraits of Hachi

The other day, we had some fun outdoors with the pack. As we headed indoors, Hachi started exploring the front porch. I watched him from down below... and he peered down toward me.

Then, he watched me out of the corner of his eye with a funny expression on his face.

It was fairly chilly outside. As soon as we got inside, he headed for a big fluffy bed. I loved seeing him so snug and warm, especially knowing the tough "street" life he knew as a small puppy. So, I went to get my camera. He peeked at me so cutely!
Our little puppy is growing up but he is still incredibly cute!


  1. Hachi, you're doing your job!
    Keep being a puppy for a little while longer
    we love seeing your cute expressions.

  2. Hari OM
    Golly, this reminds me so much of angel Jade - she had that same intelligent enquiring look!!! I love and 'eye-dog'... YAM xx

  3. I love his sceptical look in the second picture. He is so lucky to have you. The good thing about rescued dogs is you are giving them a safe place. The bad thing is you always know they had some horrible times before you. Lee was rescued at 3 weeks and while that was too early to not be with her mother, she never knew cruelty. Phod on the other hand . . . Breaks my heart.

  4. Oh Hachi, you are beyond cute and those looks are so sweet!

  5. I just love the photos you share of him and I am as glad as he is that you rescued him...

  6. That 2nd photo is too cute (well the are all cute) . Do I recall that Hachi came from Texas or is that my imagination? Maybe his Texas blood needs to adjust to the high altitude.
    Hugs Cecilia

    1. Your remember correctly. He is from Texas. He was born as a stray. His mom and littermates were rescued and taken to a high kill rate shelter. Before they were euthanized, a rescue organization from Colorado pulled them out and transported them here. They lived with a foster family, and then all were adopted out. That was a lot for a little puppy to go through.

      He has much shorter and thinner fur than we expected. I think that's why he gets cold easily (plus, he's quite small). He may be a dog who needs a jacket in winter. He has one now but isn't comfortable wearing it yet.

  7. You are too adorable for words, Hachi!

  8. He does have an extra helping of 'cute'.

  9. Oh my gosh, he seems like he might be a bit of a ham for the camera! I love it!!
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  10. What great expressions! The very definition of cute.

  11. nothing left to add. all are wonderful comments for a precious puppy! xo

  12. He is just adorable. He looks like he is getting an older look to him, but still a very cute one:

  13. Oh dude! You are sure a cutie patoooootie! I gives Ma that side look ALL the time...butts she deserves it. ☺
    Ruby ♥

  14. He is such a lucky boy!
    Hazel & Mabel

  15. Those ears just makes me squeal. He's so cute.

  16. These portraits of Hachi are so beautiful! What a cute pup he is!


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