Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Friday, February 8, 2019

Nature Friday - Sunrise and then the Storm

Wednesday morning dawned with a brilliant sunrise.

A snowstorm was heading our way. That was obvious in the heavy high cloud cover and the low clouds completely covering the flatlands to our east. A small gap between the high and low clouds let the sun shine on us as it rose. You can see the low clouds oozing up toward us from the flatlands just to the right of the sun.

A view along the road that we usually take to go to lower elevations showed it more obviously. Normally, you can see a town in that direction but it was completely covered by clouds.

The only sun of the day was at sunrise. Soon thereafter, Shyla and I were out for a snow bike ride when the snowstorm hit.
As the snow hit, the air temperature plummeted, and I was instantly painfully cold. That night, the temperature fell to -12°F here as the snow tapered off.

Thursday's bike ride was so cold that we fled home within a short time. Shyla patiently let me take photos before we sprinted for home.

It was cold and windy but also incredibly beautiful with the freshly fallen snow.
Winter is in full control here in the Rockies. I hope that it is a bit warmer where you are!

Thanks to the LLB Gang for hosting the Nature Friday blog hop.


  1. wow... hog good that you came home unfrozen ;O))) we have a storm too but it brought just water and no snow...

  2. Hari OM
    G.O.R.G.E.O.U.S.!! (Meanwhile, here, can't see through the 'washing machine' called Storm Erik at the moment.) YAM xx

  3. How beautiful! We have rain for the morning. I wish it could be snow instead.

  4. Snow Dog Shyla is so much better than a snowman. love that first shot of her, she could star in Frozen...

  5. WOW x 100. Each photo is breathtaking.
    Shyla you are in your element in the snow and my Labragal you know how to work the camera.
    Hugs Cecilia

  6. We are cold here, but not your kind of cold. I love your photographs. They are amazing.

    Have a fabulous day and weekend. ♥

  7. So lovely! I may have a weird bias but I think deep cold intensifies the beauty.

  8. We are under a winter storm warning.
    I am sure it's nothing like your temps.
    Shyla's fur is glowing in the 2nd
    to last photo. She is beautiful.

    ♥ Astro and Mitzie

  9. It can be so nice to be out in a snowstorm, but not when it's painfully cold! Our weather seems to be changing here from one day to the next; we can't keep up!
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  10. I really love watching your winter....Our days go from sun to rain, with a bit of ice once or twice. Lately the weather seems to be nutso!

  11. Shyla is so cute laying all covered in snow. She sure is a great partner when you are out on your rides.

  12. Much warmer here, but not warm. Shyla is so sweet looking with her snowy face.

  13. We got about 8" of fresh powder Wed into Thurs, and now we are below zero -12 today. Looks fabulous, but walks are short and fast.

  14. It certainly warmer here, but I do miss snowy and sunny days sometimes (not necessarily the cold). Your photos are breath taking, and I especially love that image of Shyla with the snow on her sweet face.

  15. Winter seems to be hitting us a lot harder this year. It is still cold and there is ice everywhere. We are longing for Spring:)

  16. Not much warmer here, we were only 3 degrees this morning. We are so ready for spring
    Hazel & Mabel

  17. Wow that looks cold, we don't think even Fenris could have dragged Mommy out of the house in that weather.

  18. The snow was beautiful, the bitter cold, not so much.

  19. Beautiful Shyla,, and beautiful painted skys!


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