Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Thursday, February 7, 2019

Thankful Thursday - Gratitude Overflowing

My gratitude is overflowing that we realized that it was a good time to adopt a puppy and summoned the courage to do it without delay. The "Bigs", as we've been calling the Labraduo since Hachi arrived, are both secure, confident, and loving. They are playing such a big role in teaching Hachi about life.

I regularly find them all together on the biggest dog bed. My photos are not staged. Rather, they involve me tiptoeing to get my camera to try to capture the heart melting scene without disturbing them. The Duo seems to genuinely like and enjoy Hachi. They seem to seek him out for fun and snuggles.

The Duo have become a Trio!

As we expected, Shyla does us to boost her confidence, especially when she observes me paying a lot of attention to Hachi. For me, that means that I make sure that we continue with our morning outings and training just like before Hachi arrived. And when I come home from someplace, I make sure to tell Shyla how amazing she is before I greet Hachi. Shyla thrives on personal attention.

I took this photo at sunrise the other morning - Shyla's and my special time of the day. The cold seeped inside my clothes, making me shiver as I lay in the snow to take photos. In contrast, Shyla was happy snoozing with her whole body against the snow.

We had friends over the other night, and Shyla was cuddling up to them. She is continuing to soar, gaining confidence seemingly daily. My heart sings as I observe her continuing to get comfortable in her own fur.

I think that her newfound confidence (it has grown exponentially over the past year) is a big part of why she is enjoying Hachi and his many kisses. She lets him sleep curled against her chest. It warms my heart to see it.
It is rare that the stars align to allow us to time a huge change perfectly. This time they did. Adopting Hachi this winter was perfect in terms of our pack. I am so thankful for how wonderfully this sweet puppy fits into our pack. And, I am thankful that our Duo is healthy and confident enough to help mold Hachi.


  1. your trio is super fabulous...and your photos a feast for the eyes ;O)

  2. Your photos totally melt our hearts♥

  3. you have much to be thankful for and I am thankful you are sharing their story with us. the first photo made my eyes tear up... to precious for words. so glad Shyla is loving on people. when I first met you , you were training her to hide between your legs when she saw strangers. your stories have helped me help Big Boy to change, 4 months and he is a different dog than the one we rescued

  4. That is totally wonderful and that last photo sure shows the love!!! Thanks for joining the Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  5. Hachi, is a sweet gift everyone can enjoy having around.
    Even us out here in Seattle can watch them play together.
    The tiptoeing to get the camera is a whole other subject.

    ♥ Astro and Mitzie

  6. You are capturing some awesome photographs of your babies. We're all enjoying them too. Hachi is fitting right and and being accepted is a very good thing. So much to be thankful for.

    Have a fabulous Thankful Thursday. My best to the pups. ♥

  7. Oh my gosh, could your pack be any cuter hanging out together?😍

  8. It's great they all get along so very well together. They all benefit, including the little guy. Bailie sometimes gets a bit jealous of me, so Mom makes sure to give her some special time too. Some dogs are not as secure with their furs as others.

  9. OH my word...I'm smiling and my heart is singing...I too am thankful for every single thing you said especially that the duo is now a Trio. Hachi your front paws are so kissable I wish I could jump into the monitor to do just that!!.
    I love that Shyla and her mom have special girl time.
    Hugs Cecilia

  10. We loves your Trio pictures so much! I love this one -- Hachi trying to look like big brother while Shyla just snoozes over both of them. I bet Hachi wore her out furst!

  11. Oh my, your photos warmed my heart and made me smile. Your trio of fur babies are adorable and it's wonderful they are getting along so well. Lovely photos that capture the heart of your love for them.

  12. My eyes got all wet and I was smiling - such precious pictures and a precious story to go with - Happy Thursday and everyday you sweet ones!

  13. I remember how nervous we were about adding Luke to our pack. It's always a risk, and our beagle Cricket especially could have issues with other dogs. I think it was only a week or two before we started getting the photos like yours, and the ones with our oldest beagle, Kobi, were the most precious. The first time Luke and Cricket played together was so exciting!! He really helped to keep both Cricket and Sheba young and happy for the rest of their lives. ♥
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  14. It truly seems like a match made in heaven:) Hachi is a very special pup sent to you for a reason.

    Now about that tiptoeing to get the camera - we try that here, but the three think the camera means treats and immediately move from that moment not captured:(

  15. Hachi is one blessed and fortunate dog, what a wonderful home he found. And good for the Labraduo too, he will keep them young.

  16. Seeing these pictures of the pups together just melts my heart. Shyla is such a great big sister and it's wonderful to hear how much she has come out of her shell.

  17. We are so very thankful to be able to watch your pack grow and bond...so very heartwarming!!

  18. a perfect little family within the family! my heart is full.
    going to bed now with a huge smile. I love it when Hachi kisses them.
    don't catch cold lying in the snow! but thank you for your wonderful pictures! xo

  19. That last picture just did me in! So sweet
    Hazel & Mabel

  20. OMD, they are all just pawfect! And those pictures are just the sweetest things!!! ♥♥♥
    Ruby ♥

  21. What a heart warming post. I would enjoy these three dogs so much. I'm glad that the stars aligned for you.

  22. The timing was so perfect when you adopted Hachi! And I think Shyla knows that she is "your girl"
    The bond you have together is unbreakable.


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