Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Tuesday, March 5, 2019

A Bluebird Winter Day

I took the Labraduo out into the fresh snow together yesterday. Their bond showed up strong and true.

It was the kind of winter day that I love - blue skies, feathery light snow, and our pups.

I love this pair like crazy.

And I love our puppy too! He had fun playing in the snow despite the very cold air.
Happy Bluebird Winter Day!


  1. they are like treasures ... super precious and wonderful ;O)

  2. seeing the duo together just makes my heart SING as does Hachi racing into the camera...

  3. What a beautiful day to race in the snow!

  4. Your love of the trio shows 10 fold in each and every photo and all the words.
    Beautiful happy days.
    Hugs Cecilia

  5. What great pictures of your crew. You can tell how bonded they all are.

  6. Such beautiful photos of those sweeties!

  7. I wonder if Shyla is quite specific as she chooses to be on R's left side? Maybe she has that special sense. Hachi, maybe he is adjusting to wearing a coat now. Bluebird day down here too, 6th March, our older daughter's birthday.

  8. I've never had 2 dogs who were that bonded. Its beautiful to see. Hachi makes the triple cord.

  9. You are just so precious. Your mom is a great photographer too.

    Have a woof woof winter day. My best to your mom. ♥

  10. Hachi looks like he's ready to take off into the wild blue yonder with his ears.

  11. The Duo dashing through the snow would make a great Christmas card.

  12. They all look very happy. Luke and I were able to get out for a walk in the fresh snow yesterday too. It's so pretty when the trees are all covered!
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  13. They are great as singles, a duo, or a trio.

  14. A beautiful day for you and your beautiful pups!!!

  15. A great day of fun!
    Hazel & Mabel


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