Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Monday, March 4, 2019

Puppy Play!!!!

We are getting close to the end of Hachi's time in puppy classes. But we aren't quite finished yet. His age is a guess - so the teachers will evaluate from week-to-week as to whether he has become too mature for puppy class.

We certainly are noticing his growing maturity. He doesn't need to go out to potty as often, and I can't remember his last indoor "accident". He is learning so many important things, like "come" when called. It is incredible how fast our first two months with him have flown by.

Look at our formerly tiny puppy! He's now more than three times heavier than when we met him.

I still adore puppy classes. I smile continuously as I watch the insane energy of the puppies as they play. I no longer worry about whether Hachi might lose his cool and cause problems - he's learned so much that he's a really good class member now.

I wanted to share some clips from a particularly energetic puppy class recently. Hachi is now among the biggest puppies, and so the clips are from the section of the room where 14-16 week old puppies are playing.

Enjoy the video! I sure enjoyed putting it together.


  1. they sure know how to PLAY and have fun... so cute, looks like they are all pretty close to the same sizes... one has a deeper voice

  2. beautiful!!! and we noticed the first time what big paws you have Hachi ;O)

  3. Love seeing your class time capers Hachi!

  4. They sure are entertaining to watch!

  5. I think that golden needs a gentler playmate??

  6. Oh I'm squealing with puppy delight. What fun and such good training. I think the bipeds were enjoying their socializing too.
    Hachi...I have a confession to make. I am so jealous of your fur color. I would love to have my furs that color. I hope R is feeling better today

    Hugs Cecilia

  7. I had a Great Dane puppy in my puppy class. He was huge, but no one wanted to play with him because he was so big.

  8. Loved seeing the puppies! That Golden puppy would have been my Breezy - she liked playing with the people more than the other dogs.

  9. I was intrigued by the different winter shoes and boots and the way the dogs all interact together. What a great class to be able to go to.Well worth any travel in the cold weather.

  10. When classes end, we think you should have a few class reunions so the pups can play!

  11. Hachi has boundless energy!!! So fun to watch!!! We hope R is doing better.

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  12. What a wonderful video! I could watch puppies play all day!

  13. I had to laugh at the Golden Retriever puppy who did exactly what both our dogs did in puppy class. That is, spending much more time going from owner to owner and circling the room than interacting with the other pups. I had to watch the video a second time to pay attention to the puppies at play rather than the Golden. What fun days those were.

  14. Hari om
    Fabby! YAM xx (away from Hutch, so restricted commenting...)

  15. To me, these puppies look like they are playing so rough! I haven't been around puppies in a long time, so I'm sure my preception is off. lol When our puppies were 4 weeks old, I thought of them as puppies. At 8 weeks I saw them as mini adults. All the teeth and biting...maybe that's why it looks like rough play to me. :)

  16. So much energy, and so much fun!! ♥
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  17. How fun! 50 pound Lucy had to figure out how to play with 10 pound Xena when she showed up, but she adapted and they still have fun playing.

  18. Oh, how funs!!!!! They sure are learning how to play (it looks MUCH more aggressive than it is!). I didn't gets to do this cause I was a sick puppers at that age. I missed so much! Do some wrastling for me next class, k Hachi?
    Ruby ♥

  19. Such fun romping and rolling, puppy style.


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