Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Sunday, March 3, 2019

Black Dog Sunday

Our Black Dog hasn't had the easiest week. I've mentioned his UTI... and after a relapse, it became a multi-month problem. He hasn't been feeling his best this week so he went back to the vet for more testing. We don't have any answers yet.

I was on the trails with him a few times but the photos are showing me that he was lagging a bit.

On a recall, both big dogs hung back and let Hachi rule the day.

Then, on the day that I took him out to play with his sister on the trails, they both seemed lethargic. Perhaps it was the warm sun that led them to snooze.

One trend continued... whenever I lose track of the boy dogs in the house, they are probably snuggling in the bedroom. In the evening...

And in the morning...

He's our sweet Black Dog. I sure do hope that he feels better soon.


  1. Pack Up Dogs - Its Going To Take A Tribe - Group Hugs


  2. All paws are crossed that R feels better soon. He and Hachi sure are a couple of snuggle bugs.

  3. We sure hope sweet R feels better super soon.

  4. Oh R...you know how much all of blogville is sending you healing and feel better hugs and wishes.
    I think your sibs must realize you are feeling a wee bit under the weather so they are following your lead.
    I love the photo of you and Hachi...
    Healing Hugs Cecilia

  5. We are sending you lots of AireZen and positive vibes, R. Feel better soon.

  6. POTP to sweet black dog R. He has been through more than his share of discomfort. Here's hoping good health returns soon.

  7. I have tears in my eyes, your sweet black dog is breaking my heart, hugs and prayers for all of you. Hachi does love his big brother, I can tell... I am thinking Hachi knows R has health issues.. hugs to all three of your sweet, sweet canines. has Hachi realized he is dressed in PINK? ha ha

  8. I sure hope you get answers soon and he will feel better. The three of them are such a joy to see in your photos.

  9. Hachi and Shyla will both sense that R is not up to the 100%. Hanging back, sticking close, and snoozing together, all wonderful signs of love and comfort.

  10. Hachi certainly loves his big brother. Hope R is feeling better soon.

  11. I sure hope that sweet boy starts feeling better soon.

  12. Piper sends her best wishes, and we all hope R is soon feeling more himself!

  13. We send our best healing and positive vibes for your boy! And I think Hachi makes a great comfort dog for both R or anyone that needs it!

  14. Oh, no! We sure hope he feels better soon! I think snuggling with Hachi has got to help! :)
    Sending prayers -

  15. We hope he feels better soon too. It's so sweet that he has his little brother to snooze with him. ♥
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  16. Big hugs and paws crossed for R.
    Get better soon!!!

    ♥ Astro and Mitzie

  17. Poor R!!! We hope you get some answers soon and he will be feeling a lot better. He sure is very good to his little brother.

  18. Sweet R, we are sending you lots of pug hugs and POTP.
    Hazel & Mabel

  19. Sending a million good thoughts for R ! Magic healing bubbles,,, and good juju for our sweet R!

  20. Oh R, I sure hopes you feel betters soon... I gots my paws crossed real tight that the dogtors can figure out what is causin' your troubles, and gets you all betters. Sendin' lots of POTP and AireZens!
    you and your Brudder are just too cute!
    Ruby ♥

  21. Oh, me too! It just breaks my heart to see a dog who is not feeling well - I can barely function from worrying so much when mine are under the weather :(

  22. All those snuggles will help him feel better in no time! I can come snuggle too, if it'll help!

  23. All your babies are adorable. So photogenic too. Okay, you know your way around a camera.

    Have a woof woof day you three. My best to your mom. ♥

  24. Said a prayer for R and believing he will soon be back to himself, especially with his whole household giving him loving support.

  25. Sending oodles of poodles of POTP for your R. I know how the two adult pups feel, this cold can make all of us oldsters a bit lethargic.


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