Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Saturday, March 2, 2019

Pictures of Intensity - Hachi

Our warm and sunny spell is coming to an abrupt end with a big snowstorm. However, during the warmth, I had tons of fun trying to capture Hachi's spirit as he romped in a mountain meadow.

His burgeoning intensity is what caught my attention more often than not. In this photo, I had just called him. Do you see how hard he was trying to get to me as fast as possible?

At the end of a different recall, he launched himself into the air, sailed a long distance, and then landed just in front of me. I laughed and laughed.

He seems to love impersonating a kangaroo. Do you see the resemblance?

And here is a final picture of intensity.
That photo also shows that he still has big paws to grow into!

Happy Saturday!


  1. You are such a character, Hachi!

  2. First Photo, Rear, Driver Side Paw - Pure Righteousness


  3. I laughed out loud at Kanga-Hachi! to funny and he is so very intense, running to Mama... I love the photo of him launched in the air.

  4. That face is totally adorable and incredible!

  5. What a joy he is, this Hachi-Roo! Great snaps, KB - these will bring smiles and laughter every time they are seen :)

  6. BOL, that's such a kangaroo pose!! Hachi, you're the best!

  7. Hachi is wondering just how many treats he will get if he flies to you.
    Love love love them all and OMDs his ears make me giggle and he does have big PAWS
    Hugs Cecilia

  8. Hachi has such great aerodynamics for covering ground quickly!

  9. I can see it all...just in his eyes...Sooooo intense(and adorable) LOL!!

  10. Hachi strikes me as a dog who really gives it his all, no matter what he's doing! Love it.
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  11. To Hachi this is such fun, and your pics show us his strength at this age to leap and bound so fast. Love every photo.

  12. Every picture is perfect and brings smiles to our faces. It will be interesting to see how big Hachi becomes. Those paws sure are huge for him right now.

  13. OMD, hachi looks just like a kangaroo! I play like that too, but I bunny hop. Xena

  14. We definitely see the 'Roo resemblance!

  15. Intensity for sure, but it is all filled with the sheer joy of being a pup!!!

  16. His ears are as expressive as those lovely eyes!!! He is so incredible!

  17. It's a shame he hates the snow so badly. ;-)

  18. There's no lack of personality in this one!

  19. Hachi looks like so much fun!!!
    Hazel & Mabel


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