Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Saturday, March 23, 2019

Enforced Rest for a Puppy!

Hachi came through his surgery (neutering) just fine yesterday. He had a good day, all things considered.

One of the big incidents that had worried us so much last week was that he got so scared that he couldn't function at the vet when he went in for his pre-surgery tests. Today, he took a sedative prior to going, and his big brother, R, went with him for the drop off. I am guessing that his big brother's guiding presence was a huge factor in making Hachi feel better about being at the vet hospital. He's so bonded to his siblings.
He's home now with a cone. He's not too happy about that. I can feel him shaking under his fur. That could be due to coming out of anaesthesia, the cone, the pain, or all of the above.

He now has 14 insane days until he can run around again. That is very hard for a 5 month old puppy, as you all know. We hope that time flies, and he's out playing before we know it.
Please wish Hachi and us well during this time of enforced rest!


  1. Take care of your self sweet Hachi and listen to R, he won't steer you wrong and you'll heal up quickly.

  2. Shyla and R will help you get through this, Hachi, and we send you lots of healing vibes and AireZen♥

  3. All the best to little Hachi. That reaction at the vet really makes one wonder about his first experiences before he came to you and before his foster home. He must have been traumatized somewhere:(

  4. We have our paws crossed for little Hachi and all of you that you will have an easy time with his forced rest.

  5. Even for us humans, having to rest properly can be so hard. Maybe rest with him, and R and Shyla will be good company.

  6. Feel better fast Hachi. I love the dog pile.

  7. All best wishes for taking flight again soon, sweet Hachi.

  8. Hari Om
    Definitely sending wishes - though 'rest' is perhaps not necessarily on the cards for the humans as they try to keep the puppy 'resting'!!! YAM xx

  9. Sending Hachi some special Pug POTP for good healing and for the 14 days to go fast!
    Hazel & Mabel

  10. I just love the way they all cuddle together! he's safe and warm and in puppy heaven!
    and good luck keeping him relatively still while he heals! I think he's mainly just a love puppy.
    he loves to be loved whether with you or his brother and sister!
    these pictures are the greatest! XO

  11. Hachi... if you TRY and run/get too excited I'm guessing it will HURT! So, for your sake (and your pawrents) please do what the doctor says and it will be healed before you know it.

  12. Poor Hachi, the dreaded and hated cone is no fun for him or you.. I am sure it does hurt, makes me hurt thinking of it. I love seeing them all 3 together

  13. Good luck with 'the rest', though I suppose you've had lots of experience. Dui bounced out of the vets ready for a game, and never had to have a cone. We know Shyla and R will make him feel safe again.

  14. Hachi...rest well you only get one chance to heal properly. I hope the enforced rest goes smoothly.
    when I picked Angel Madi up after her spaying..the Vet said no jumping?!!! I said you know she is a cat right?

    Tell Mom I saw my first ever fat bike today, like hers and it had Rocky Mountain on it. I took a photo too
    Glorious weather here we took a 75 min walk around Shelly Lake about 1/2 mile from us.
    Hugs Cecilia

  15. We are glad things went OK, and hope that Hachi is doing a little better by now, and that he has a full and quick recovery! Good luck with keeping him quiet. We bet his siblings will help with that...dogs seem to know. ♥
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  16. We wish you all much peace and calm time for Hachi's recuperating.

    ♥ Astro and Mitzie

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. I didn't know there is such a long recovery period for the boys - hope it all goes smoothly!

  19. It'll be tough, but we are sending best wishes for lots of loving down time for Hachi. Not to mention some peace mind for the rest of you! :)

  20. Oh Hachi, sendin' lots of POTP and healin' vibes and maybe some margaritas or some CBD to keeps you calm ☺
    Lots of AireZens to your peeps too...heheheee
    Ruby ♥

  21. We certainly do wish you all well, and that the other dogs don't "help" Hachi by removing his cone. Also hoping this will help with some of the aggression issues you've seen. It takes at least 6 weeks for the hormones to settle after this surgery. Ruby's suggestion of some CBD oil sounds good, too!

  22. Hachi,, we have been sending you healing thoughts and healing magic bubbles to help you! Your big brother R and Shyla will be snuggling closely


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