Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Sunday, March 24, 2019

Black Dog Sunday

Our Black Dog had another good week. It's always a good week when I get some time on the trails with him!

Our Black Dog brings out the best in all the dogs around him. He's Shyla's best romping buddy. And he's Hachi's best companion for going to the vet or for wrestling.

The snow on the trails has continued to be almost impassable. So, lots of mornings, we make it only as far as the favorite photo spot in these photos. This is the sunniest spot near our house so the snow is almost gone. I sure hope that the melting spreads soon.

On the morning that I had the pleasure of having both halves of the Labraduo with me on the trails, they decided to engage in some hilariousness while the camera was pointed at them. Shyla wanted to wave to all of you while R wanted to try to howl loudly enough that you could hear him from all around the world!

In R's younger days, I hadn't yet accepted that being very vocal was an immutable part of his personality so it would drive me nuts. Now, I just laugh along with him. Shyla still looks a bit concerned about his behavior though!

After 10 weeks on antibiotics for kidney/UTI issues, R ended them yesterday. We are SO hopeful that we won't end up at the emergency vet this weekend (like the past times that we tried stopping the antibiotics). Please keep your fingers crossed for us.
He seems to be feeling good based on that last photo!


  1. Hari OM
    YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAYYYYY.... waving right back at ya Shyla - and sending woos into the ether fur ya R!!! Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

  2. Waving back Shyla...R I'm joining you in your vocalizing: Lets sing like nobuddy is listening. Shyla that look on your face says, "oh no mom he still cannot carry a tune"!
    The Duo make my heart sing too so I can only imagine how yours must sing in person KB.
    Hugs Cecilia

  3. PS everything crossed no antibiotics needed over the weekend

  4. You look wonderful R and you do too sweet Shyla!

  5. We hope R stays healthy and have our paws crossed for him. Those pictures of the labraduo are so cute. Next time R starts to sing you need to get a video of it for us.

  6. I am so glad the meds are done and prayers they can stay done with. the howling is so funny and I can hear it in my head.. everytime I look at Big and See R I wonder why people don't want black dogs. they are so beautiful and FUN... the two of them together always makes me smile... next time record the howl, I would love to hear it.

  7. You and Shyla look so happy romping together, R, and we send you lots of positive vibes!

  8. Greetings from the poodle pair with tail wags and oodles of POTP for R.

  9. OH! I dearly love these pictures! AND these BEAUTIFUL dogs! AND the absent little recuperating puppy! XOXO

  10. 10 weeks should do the trick. They look wonderful together.

  11. Our fingers are crossed. So good to see him out and having a howling good time.

  12. It's so nice to see that happy pair! All paws are crossed here for R. ♥
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  13. I love black dog Sunday! I'm so glad R is feeling better.

  14. They both look so happy together. It is good to see R feeling better. We hope his good health lasts a long, long time.

  15. I THOUGHT I heard something R! BOL!!! Shyla, I waved back at you and gave you a high paw too! Paws crossed R that this will do the trick on your UTI!!
    POTP for Hachi too!
    Ruby ♥

  16. paws crossed for R that he continues to feel good!
    Hazel & Mabel

  17. I'll sing with you, Uncle R! Woo woo woo WOOOOOOOOOOOOO!

  18. I love reading about his Sundays.

  19. Love these photos of R and Shyla.! R is the KING of the Mountain,, we think!

  20. And we have been sending good thoughts for R !


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