Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Monday, March 25, 2019

Full Moon Setting and Beautiful Shyla

I absolutely love when the full moon sets because our entire western horizon is snowy mountains.

Unfortunately, it was very very cold as I tried to take these photos so I didn't do a great job. I have Raynaud's Syndrome, and I couldn't feel my shutter finger at all! So, I captured the random moments when my finger touched the shutter button almost by accident.

My favorite part of the setting of a full moon is that the sun is rising behind me as the moon sets. You can see the alpenglow and the brightening sky from the rising sun in the next photo.

For the grand finale just before the moon disappeared, I managed to quickly put on a wider angle lens when I saw the whole mountain range lighting up from the sunrise. Standing there in the mountain silence, I was so glad that I'd braved the cold to watch the moon set.

I shouldn't say "I". Of course, my best furry friend was with me during the magical moon set. After the moon disappeared from view, we hustled to a good spot to see the reddish light of the rising sun on her fur.
To my eyes, she is as beautiful as the setting moon.


  1. If I had to pick between a setting moon and my dog(s), my dogs would win every time!

  2. we love the moon... and we love your Shyla... to the moon and back ;O)

  3. Shyla is the sun, moon, stars and the sky all
    rolled into one happy girl.
    She rocks the world.

    xo Astro and Mitzie

  4. the cold was not bothering Shyla at all. these are fantastic photos, sure can't tell your shutter finger was cold from looking at these.

  5. A beautiful moon and a beautiful Shyla is purrfect!

  6. Oh wow, I don't know what's the more pawfect picture -- the first or the last!

  7. Gorgeous moon shots and you are just as beautiful as the moon, Shyla!

  8. OhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhKB these are breathtaking....my word. love all the hues of the mountain purple majesty!! Shyla darling...you look as if you are about to pounce.
    My mom had Raynaud's Syndrome so I understand exactly what you mean.
    Hugs Cecilia

  9. It looks very pretty, but very cold.

  10. Your photography is amazing. Amazing.

    Shyla is a great poser. You need to link this post to Awww Mondays. Just saying.

    Have a woof woof day, Shyla. My best to your sibs and your smart and talented mom. ♥

  11. That Raynaud's Syndrome, I have it as well, and even now in our autumn on a colder morning,my fingers are affected. Do you have those photographer's mittens with the flap that turns back? I wear fingerless merino mittens on the winter mornings, inside. The sun on the snow, that is brilliant, and a wider lens, I love seeing all your mountain peaks and the GLOW, Shyla is a wonderful model posing to show us the very best.

  12. Lovely. The moon, the mountains, and Shyla

  13. Shyla's eyes in the rising(or setting) sun, always make me smile!

  14. she is more beautiful than the moon. she is Shyla! how lucky you are to have found each other. xo

  15. Never saw the moon set. It just sort of disappears during the morning coffee. However, it is always lovely when it accompanies us on our early morning walk.

  16. Thank you for joining the Awww Mondays Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Awww Monday, my friend. Scritches to the pups. ♥

  17. How can the beauty of a cold moon be compared to the magnificence of a beautiful soul wrapped in a glowing fur coat!? Yes, Shyla is the winner, every time.

  18. Just gorgeous. And so is Shyla.

  19. Shyla is even more beautiful!!! As for the photos, numb fingers and al - they are awesome.

  20. You really captured some magical , beautiful moments KB,,, with that huge moon,, and beautiful Shyla! Thank you for sharing these moments with us!

  21. Your moon pictures are beautiful and Shyla's too!!
    Hazel & Mabel

  22. She surely is. ♥
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  23. You do an amazing job with the Raynauds!


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