Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Saturday, March 9, 2019

I'm dreaming of...

We've had what feels like days and days of gray sky, and flat light, which I hate as a photographer. But it's still fun to take photos of Hachi.

And Shyla loves to leap, no matter what the sky is like. Look at her levitate!

But, all of this dreary weather is making me dream of the desert again. This is a photo that I took on Shyla's Mesa next to a favorite campsite in Utah last spring. I'm currently taking a photography course where we are asked to find our favorite recent photos, and prepare them in software as if they might hang on a wall. This was my latest attempt.
I can promise you that my instructor will have lots of constructive criticism. If you see anything that you'd like to point out could be improved, please tell me! I love constructive criticism! Seriously!

Where do you dream of going on dreary days? For me, there's no doubt that its the southwest desert of the US.


  1. Great Shots!! Very Impressive Leap There Shyla!! And That Pup, Like Handsome. I Sure Do Applicate Your Trained Eye.

    Well Done,

  2. I love this! While I certainly don't have your photographic skill, if this was my photo the one thing I would change is I would photoshop out the dog tag on Shyla. While it is as nicely silhouetted as the dogs are, I find it detracts from the clean lines of the dogs. It catches my eye too much when I should really only see the dogs.

    1. I agree about the tag... I want the dogs to be symbolic of all canines, so the tag should go! Thank you!

  3. Oh, and if I could get away from the dreary weather (it snowed last night and heavy rain is forecast for today!), I would plop myself down on a Caribbean island!

  4. Hari OM
    Photo post-processing is one of those things I wrangle with - not technically, but philisophically. There is something of the purist about me when it comes to photos - but the artist revels in the opportunities to tinker!!! Mostly I like things left as close to OOC as possible, with only tweaks for contrast or colour correction (pasticularly as what is visible on the camera screen can look totally weak on the larger screen); however, the directive of 'wall art' immediately says not photography, but 'ART' and that is something which then becomes very much in the eye of the beholder. I love your natural sillhouettes, so am not surprised you chose to enhance one... and I totally did NOT get distracted by the tag. Didn't even notice it till Taryn's comment! For me, R's head was the dominant feature which draws the eye to the sun-drenched peak behind.

    As for foul-weather alternative places, my mind always drops back to my other countries; OZ or India... YAM xx

    1. I feel the same as you... I wrangle too. But, the assignment is one that I'm liking a lot. How to make my photos into art?

      What about New Zealand? I've seen some amazing images from there recently. I am betting that you've been there!

  5. I don't see anything wrong at all with the wall hanging Pups.. I love it.. and it looks Like H is about to catch up to Shyla in his levitations,... I did not see the tag until I read Annis comment. I don't have to leave for anywhere, because where we live is rarely a dreary day. it is a different story, I need a place to go when the sun is so hot we can't breathe outside.

  6. You truly can fly, Shyla! Love your artwork shot, KB!

  7. This course will be so interesting, and time consuming. I like things to be balanced, and I would have all of R's head outlined against the yellow rocks. Shyla's tag, that is part of who she is, but if someone was buying this for artwork on their wall, they might notice it.Just my thoughts. I didn't until I read Taryn's words. Having this wonderful place within driving distance, beautiful.

  8. Shyla sure is a high flying girl. I love all your pictures.

  9. At the moment, we're dreaming of dreary days.

  10. All three photos are just beautiful!
    It's a grey, rainy day here today, but we're all together and happy. That's all I want.

  11. Despite the song, "Goin' to Carolina in my Mind," I go to the Golden Isles of Georgia in my mind. Isolated, calm and warm. And if you can stay at The Cloister, then all the better.

    Love the dog photograph. I'm also something of a purist when it comes to editing photographs and a believer that what you see is what should appear just as you saw it. Others would argue that the same sentiment came about when photography became more popular than drawing/painting.

    1. I've never been in the Golden Isles of Georgia. I'll have to look on the web to learn more!

  12. Oh yes...my mind's eye does take me to places I've been and loved.
    We were in Alaska (#2 on my bucket list, seeing Elvis in person was #1 saw him in 1976) for a 4 day land tour and 7 day cruise down the Inside Passage in May 2005. I loved Ketchican and Juneau we walked all over both cities. It was so sunny and pretty gentle breezes. I was in awe of how tiny everything looked with the Alaskan mountains in the background...
    Love your photos today.

    1. Alaska in wintertime is a dream of mine. It would be golden light all day long! Imagine...

  13. It always makes me smile watching your trio lift off on their runs.

  14. Sorry, I can't find anything wrong with that photo, or with your shots in the flat light. LOL
    I dream of the ocean, that's my favorite place to relax.
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  15. The dogs and foreground look like they were photoshopped onto the sunny background. Not sure if that was the affect you were going for... Of course, keep in mind that I'm not a "great" photographer, LOL.
    BTW, my favorite picture is the one of Shyla "levitating!"

  16. I've now read all the posts that I missed here. Most interesting is how much the puppy has grown. And I also so hope that R will be OK. It sounded on the last post that many bad things had been ruled out.

  17. KB... We have always thought your photos are all perfect and could not get any better.!
    The sillouete of R and Shyla is beautiful! And the flying Hachi and Shyla,, are soo perfect!


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