Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Sunday, March 10, 2019

Black Dog Sunday

Our Black Dog seemed to feel better this week. He and I had some time on the trails together - which is something that we both love! He waved to you!

He was back at the vet as they tried to figure out why he wasn't feeling or acting quite right last week. His urinary tract is the focus right now, and I think that we're making progress. As of now, most cancer possibilities have been ruled out. That is great news!!!

He's in the midst of an 8 week course of antibiotics for his recurring UTI. Fortunately, the antibiotics don't seem to bother him at all. So, the only tweak for now is changing his dose of a supplement that fine tunes his urinary pH. With that small change, he seems like a new dog!

He and his sister had an absolutely wonderful time playing in our fresh snow! And I loved seeing it.

Happy Days! We are going to keep seizing the days of our wonderful trio of dogs, doing our best to be out having fun whenever we have a winter wonderland for romping!


  1. Love the WAVE and Love the LEAPS, but my favorite is the howl.... or bark. these photos all say Joy and Happiness..

  2. PS everyday is a Black Dog Day here. ha ha

  3. So glad he is feeling better and you have been able to adjust his meds to help.

  4. We're waving right back atcha, R! Have fun with Shyla in your beautiful snow!

  5. I love those snowy snoots :)
    So glad R is feeling better!

  6. Keep feeling better R. You two sure seem to be having a blast!

  7. I Appreciate Everyone Of These Shots - Well Done


  8. R is looking great. We have our paws crossed that the meds will help him feel better.

  9. Hi R!!! We are so happy to hear you've been feeling better and that they've ruled out those bad things! ♥
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  10. So good to see R enjoying himself and feeling better. Hope the UTI clears up soon and your pH balances out.

    We will be checking on Chance's pH level this week. Sending Sibe vibes for R.

  11. Oh what a wonderful post!!! I love reading that R is doing well and seeing how much he and Shyla enjoyed their snow week. He surely is keeping up w/o any problems
    Hugs Cecilia

  12. Maybe R is like a person and the UTI can linger, just simmering and making him feel a little off the 100% that he shows in those photos. Wonderful to see them together.Long term antibiotics may well be the answer.For me, it was a huge IV dose that did the trick, after several lots of oral tabs.

  13. You can see that they just enjoy the snow and being with each other.

  14. Hooray for the good news. It's always such a treat to see the majestic black dog. And Shyla too.

  15. No cancer is ALWAYS welcome news! I hope you can bang that UTI out once and for all.

  16. So glad to see your Black Dog feeling better. you might ask your vet about giving him sauerkraut to make his system more acidic.

  17. As wonderful as R and Shyla are with Hachi, it is so good to see the Dynamic Duo still having lots of fun together. We hope R continues to feel better.

  18. Glad the R is feeling better. Love seeing him having fun with Shyla
    Hazel & Mabel

  19. Lookin' good R!!! I am so glads you are feelin' as good as you look. Wows, I am ever so jealous of your snow runs! sigh. Have a FABulous Sunday guys!
    Ruby ♥

  20. I think you have a very intuitive veterinarian! One tweek and he is back to himself? Wonderful for all of you!

  21. It's so wonderful both are active and loving their surroundings with so much zest.

  22. Samson has been on kidney meds now for almost a year. All his different medicines have by now come together to make him healthy. It was trial and error for years. He is so happy now, running around outside playing with that big Samoyed grin on his face. I hope that you and your vet will get to this good place too for R.

  23. We love you R and Shyla,,, you both look so beautiful and happy,, running over logs,, and pouncing in the snow,, and being together!


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