Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Monday, March 11, 2019

Amazing Bond

Many mornings, Shyla and I take our puppy to a nearby meadow to play. The most recent game has been fetch the stick. Shyla is so fast that she wins all the sticks.

Hachi chases after her.

And Shyla lets him catch up. The best part is that Shyla understands that she needs to encourage Hachi. Look at her face and her eyes - she wants him grab the stick and play with her.
I've never seen such a playful expression on Shyla's face before now. Hachi has been so good for her - he's brought out her inner puppy and her mothering instincts at the same time. I'm not sure that Shyla ever really had a chance to be a puppy when she was young. So now is her chance!

Although Hachi has a few lingering issues from living on the streets as a small puppy, our trio has bonded completely.
The fact that they choose to snuggle like that warms my heart!


  1. her eyes... that is so wonderful how she acts when the little boy is around...hugs to your 3 fabulous furkids!!!

  2. Such an amazing trio of love and joy!

  3. Hari OM
    ...and ours! thank you for sharing your darlings with us. YAM xx

  4. You are the bestest, Shyla, and we just love that last shot♥

  5. this will seem silly to people who are not dog lovers, but each time I see the three of them together it makes my eyes tear up with joy.... I love that second photo of the sideview of your precious pup. made me howl with laughter... I can see Shyla is tempting him...

  6. Shyla is being a great nanny to Hachi. That last picture could melt all the snow in our yard it's so sweet.

  7. Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh my word KB this is the most precious post. I had a good giggle. Shyla might have the stick but Hachi has a curly tongue!! The look in her eyes is 100% an invitation to help me carry this huge log little one.
    The pile of puppies at the end made my heart sing. Hachi is happy to be a middle man too.
    Hugs Cecilia and thank you for sharing your pack

  8. Such Magical Moments - Black Dog Looks Healthy These Days - Mother On Shyla


  9. So very precious seeing them all in a pile. We play that stick game all the time. We know the younger one needs encouragement,and they are also reminded of their place in the pack.

  10. Awww, you need to link this post to Awww Mondays. You couldn't have a cuter pack if you tried.

    Have a woof woof day. My best to your mom. ♥

  11. Had to laugh at Hachi, jumping rather like a bunny. So great that Shyla has renewed opportunities she may have missed earlier.

  12. It won't be long before Hachi gets a stick too. The three together, what comfort and love.

  13. All the moments you have shared have been aww moments. :)

  14. The three of them are so incredibly special!

  15. So cute. Of course, all that bonding has a lot to do with the wonderful humans there to guide them.

  16. What a joy it is to see them play.

  17. And how big he got since I last saw him!

  18. they just make me so happy. is there anything more cozy than dogs who're curled up who love each other!
    and are safe and warm! bless you! and THEM!
    love all your posts! xo

  19. Oh my gosh, those three together are just beyond precious!! ♥
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  20. This just makes us smile ear to ear. Hachi has been good for all of you!
    Hazel & Mabel

  21. Oh, that is abouts the cutest thing I have ever seen!!!! Hachi, you have brought complete bliss to your pack.
    Ruby ♥

  22. That last picture ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️🥰

  23. Shyla looks so happy having Hachi to play with! The game of sticks!!!
    Love all the photos KB! Just look at Hachi run and jumps,, and soar!
    and the cuddle puddle,,, ! So much love!

  24. Oh my gosh, Shyla's face in that picture with the stick is just WONDERFUL!


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