Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Our lovable mountain puppy

Hachi is rapidly turning into an amazing mountain dog.  He can run like the wind in the snow.

He dances like no one's watching in mountain meadows.

He can leap like super dog!

Most of all, he is an incredibly affectionate, sweet, and playful dog soul. 
He does have a couple of quirks due to spending the formative first few weeks of his life on the streets. I've found it to be difficult to write about those because I simply want to cure them. We have been working very hard to help him to understand that he's safe and can trust us to take care of him now. He doesn't have to fight to get enough to eat or assess whether people and dogs can be trusted.

Fortunately, he completely and utterly trusts his canine and human family. He can chill out and be a silly puppy while his siblings and humans take care of him.
Our hearts are filled with joy to have this amazing boy as part of our family.


  1. He's totally amazing and he will eventually learn all that you want him to, it's in there, you'll bring out the trust.

  2. his face!!! I wonder what he was thinking that moment you caught with your cam ;O)

  3. I love those leaping levitating photos and he is so good at both... Jake never did get over his distrust of strange dogs and strangers. but I did not know how to train him. now I do.

  4. OMD, we just love you to death, Hachi! You are so cute and are so loved by so many who read your blog♥

  5. Hari OM
    Hachi has the best chance of 'going straight' with you as anywhere!!! YAM xx

  6. Hachi boy, you sure hit the jackpot with your family!

  7. Oh Hachi you make me smile and I hope everybuddy is watching!! Your ears crack me up!!
    WTG your fine feet give you have built in snow shoes.
    The trio photos are and Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww moment
    Hugs Cecilia

  8. Oh what a happy post. Your actions shots are breathtakingly beautiful. You've a wonderful pack.

    Have a fabulous day. Scritches to the pups. ♥

  9. I'm so happy for him. And for you. And for all of us who get to see your fabulous pictures of him. There's something very special about Hachi and how blessed you all are to have found each other.

  10. Could the three of them be any cuter together?!? Wow!
    Hachi looks so serious in that first photo!

  11. He certainly looks like he feels safe with his family.

  12. He is getting so big so fast! Such a lucky boy!

  13. He is a cutie, no doubt about. Reading you're working on his formative weeks issues gives me hope with Elsa. Despite being sweet, loveable and funny, she can be reactive when we are out on walks. But she's smart and learning. One step at a time. Good luck Hachi!

  14. He has found the perfect home to turn him into the total dog he can be. He fits in perfectly, and I have no doubt you will work with him tirelessly to help him with any issues. ♥
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  15. We have no doubt that Hachi will be able to shake all that baggage off - he has already learned so much. We loved that little guy!!!

  16. We know with the love Hachi is being surrounded with, you will get his issues resolved!!

  17. Such great pictures of your little boy. I'm sure with your help (and his pup mentors) Hachi will overcome his issues.

  18. Hachi is such a happy mountain dog!!! I love the photo of Hachi dancing,,, and leaping..! He looks unstoppable! But I also enjoy the photo of the 3 of them cuddling! Precious!

  19. Squeeeeee! OMD, how adorables are you Hachi??!!! You do looks like SuperDog! all you needs is a cape! BOL!!!
    I bets you get some FABulous stability with those HUUUUGE feets of yours! You are one lucky puppers!
    Ruby ♥

  20. We are happy you share the joy of Hachi with us, even if Hachi is not quite ready to do so himself. In time...

  21. Dear Hachi, you have the most pawfect home that will be patient and loving and help you learn that the world can be a safe place - your peeps will make sure of that
    Hazel & Mabel

  22. I don't know if I ever told you this, but Piper had had a rough start in life before she landed here on Easy Street, and there were a couple of issues we had to work through gently, over time. I was so deeply happy when I realized she had reached a point where she genuinely expected everyone to love her. I can't say for sure how long it took, but she was maybe 6 months old when I adopted her, and she was perhaps a year or 18 months when I had to start worrying that she would feel so confident she might just take the keys to the car and head out for a weekend :)


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