Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Sunday, April 7, 2019

Black Dog Sunday

Our vet wants to honor our Black Dog on National Specially Abled Pets Day.

Although his one-eyed look is his most obvious way of being "specially abled", he actually has an even more amazing way in which he's specially-abled. He was born with elbow dysplasia. He had a series of "clean out" surgeries starting with his first one at Age 1.  Each worked briefly but not for long enough because the weight bearing surfaces inside his elbow were gradually getting more damaged.

A few years ago, he was reaching the point that he couldn't run because he had no cartilage left in the joint. So, he had a rare and complicated surgery to replace the weight-bearing surfaces in his elbow.

It worked!!!! He's been running ever since. He's now over 11 years old. We see some stiffness in that elbow every now and then but he can run. I'm smiling even just writing those words. This photo was R sprinting atop a mesa in Utah last fall.
 We love our Black Dog, and we smile all the time about how well he's doing.

Happy Black Dog Sunday!


  1. R surely is a special dog and I am so happy he is being honored...

  2. Your black dog is amazing and he has very amazing people who have helped him earn this honour.

  3. Good for R, and good for the vet who knows a special dog when he/she sees one.

  4. R.....clapping wildly for your special-ness and how you have made them into not too much of a bother with TLC and your Vet.
    Hugs Cecilia

  5. OH! that beautiful face of his! and the joy in his movements!
    I celebrate that courageous black dog heart! XO

  6. R is truly an amazing dog! He doesn't let much of anything slow down his enjoyment of life. ♥
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  7. Flying with such ease, R you are indeed a miracle dude, and to be honoured, maybe a purple rosette. Love the photo silhouette.

  8. R is a wonderful patriarch of your pack. He sure is a special pup.

  9. I didn't know he had another disability. I'm so glad when they can be made to feel better. He's a wonderful dog, I love the way he just moves on from his various illnesses. He looks so strong and healthy now. Powerful with those leaps.

  10. I remember when you called him cracker.
    He can make a gray sky blue with his crazy personality.
    We happy crazy love him too.

    ♥ Astro & Mitzie & the mom too.

  11. Your boy is loved by so many - A reminder of how small the world is, as we all celebrate! Thank you for sharing him with us!

  12. Oh yes, I remembers how you worried abouts whether to do the surgicals or not, I am so glads you listened to your gut! Nows lookie at him! Beautiful boy ♥
    Ruby ♥

  13. R is an inspiration :)
    And so are you.

  14. Oh R,,, we are celebrating you!


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