Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Saturday, April 6, 2019

Saturday Sunrise

I discovered that I have some "flying camera" videos of sunrise that I haven't shared yet. Because we are in an uncharacteristically gray phase of the year, I needed a boost, and these colors did it!

Just before the sun peeked over our eastern hills. Look at the fog in the low lying areas, trying to creep up to higher elevation.

Ah, the sun!

It's amazing how fast the world lights up when the sun rays hit it!

I made a video from my flying camera of a 360° view of our area. You can watch it here or at Youtube.


  1. I needed the colour here too this morning. Thanks for sharing.

  2. Clapping wildly...these photos surely gave me a Rocky Mountain high!!!!!
    Truly breathtaking
    Hugs Cecilia

  3. What a great way to start a day with your beautiful sunrise.

  4. awesome sunrise and the one just above the video I just love... my favorite time of day

  5. amazing how it all alters with sunrise and those colours are brilliant.Then the bird flew across, adding to the nature panorama.

  6. Just beautiful and the elk herd in your previous post reminds me of my time in Wyoming. We have elk herds here too, but only in our mountains to the west. Before I moved here, I had no idea there were elk herds in California. Does the sun warm you up yet? Here the difference is amazing.

  7. Just gorgeous! And we can see that it would boost your spirits on a grey day. More of those days sunrises will be coming.

  8. I live in a valley between Appalachian mountain ranges. I can't imagine living at the altitude where you are. Beautiful sunrise.

  9. Such amazing colors! The fog in the valleys looks really cool too.
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  10. What an spectacular sunrise!

  11. Hari om
    Thanks for the spectacle. Today I am sitting in the early morning freshness of a bright, early autumn in Sydney and glad the rain had stopped... yup it had been grey and damp even here! YAM xx

  12. These breathtaking sunrises are the perfect Rx for grey days.


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