Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Sunday, April 21, 2019

Black Dog Sunday

R loves to sing and bark especially when a camera is pointed at him. On a recent day of singing, Shyla waved emphatically, as if to say "pay attention to me too"!

Then, she raised her trick another level to try to drown out her brother.
It was a hilarious day on the trail with the Labraduo.

By the time I figured out how to record R's singing on my camera, our Black Dog had decided that it was time to stop singing. Sorry about that.

Happy Black Dog Sunday!


  1. R probably knew you were trying to record and stopped his singing. these are hilarious. I love both. wish I could hear that singer...

  2. The two of you make us smile☺ Happy Easter!

  3. Sibling rivalry...too funny.
    R I'm sure your bass labro voice is gorgeous and Shyla it looks like you are trying to catch R's tune
    Hugs Cecilia

  4. I would throw an Andrew Jackson in their open guitar case - Love This Duo - Decades Of Smiles - Well Done


  5. We hope that next time R decides to sing you will remember how to record it as we would love to hear him. Shyla is so cute trying to show her brother up.

  6. OMYGOSH!!! LOL! the best of all today! blessings to you little family of five! XOXO

  7. Your pups are so precious. You're a great photographer too.

    Have a woof woof Black Dog Sunday. ♥

  8. I have to laugh, so lovely together, both saying, "Look and Listen".

  9. Your stories and pictures always make me smile. Happy Easter to all of you.

  10. Flying, singing, waving the cuteness
    keeps coming.
    We got our fingers crossed
    for a you tube video.

    ♥ Astro and Mitzie
    Happy Easter

  11. OMG, the dogs are incredibly cute! We need more positivity like this before Easter :)

  12. LOL....they're like little kids who each want you to pay attention to them!! Love it.
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  13. What a wonderful couple they are, those two.


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