Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Monday, April 22, 2019

The Hachi Chronicle

Hachi is feeling so much more at ease since he's been able to run around again. Those 14 days of rest felt like 14 years!

He has naturally bonded strongly with R so I tend to take him outside to play with Shyla. If R were with us, I'm not sure that Hachi would look to Shyla to play. 

Shyla's favorite game is "stick". She won't accept any substitute for real sticks - no toys, no fake sticks. It's got to be a real stick. Shyla tries very hard to slow herself down enough that Hachi can play with her. She often "offers" Hachi the stick, as you can see.
Hachi will try to go for the stick but not very hard. I'm not sure why except that he may be a little afraid of Shyla's strength.

So, I had to laugh when he brought me a "Hachi-sized stick" all by himself!
He's a hilarious little guy!


  1. love the hachi sized stick.. he is so super cute!!!

  2. Hari om
    Brilliant! I knew he was smart :-) YAM xx

  3. Hilarious Is An Understatement - So Cute


  4. And he's so proud to bring you HIS stick!

  5. Hachi is learning a lot from both of the older pups. He sure is a cutie.

  6. You are just too darn adorable, Hachi☺

  7. Oh Hachi, ya done good, really, really good!

  8. Hachi knows how to play the stick game with his sister. So cute.

    Have a woof woof day and week. My best to your mom. ♥

  9. Bailie plays that game with me all the time. Just when I'm about to put my mouth on the stick, she bolts off. No tug games with Bailie. She doesn't share sticks. Good thing Hatchi has R to play with.

  10. BOL Hachi...Shyla's girl power has you a bit baffled does it.
    I love seeing your snow melt
    Hugs Cecilia

  11. He is hilarious and beautiful. Jake loved sticks and used to offer his sticks to Baby, just as she would grab for it he would take off, to get her to chase him.

  12. Awww, Hachi, you do make us find reasons to smile.

  13. He is learning so quickly, and his very own stick, just the right size.

  14. Looks like Spring may be arriving..snow melting. Had a chuckle at the Hachi-sized stick.

  15. So funny. I used to be amazed that with all the sticks in our woods, Ellie and Lucy would invariably want the same one.

  16. Sweet little Hachi with his Hachi sized stick too cute! And Shyla is so sweet to let him get her stick - all are so sweet today!

  17. That's a great way to get Hachi to play with Shyla. I always was challenged when we had 3 dogs to make it so that someone wasn't left out. ♥
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  18. He's adorably cute. Neither of my guys are into sticks or balls and Sam has never really gotten into toys either. He's prefer to 'play' with his mama. 😊

  19. BOL!!! That is FABulous! Ma doesn't lets me have sticks anymores, cause I used to eats some of it....ooops!
    Ruby ♥

  20. LOL! a Hachi stick. maybe he's just got a tender little puppy sized mouth!
    but he still wanted you to have a stick Mom. not to be outdone! xo

  21. I've got a picture of our Lucy and Riley running with the same stick in their mouths. It is a fun game, and eventually Hachi will be big enough to play it.


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