Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Our Bears in Springtime

Today, I made my way to the area where the first bears appeared last year in early April. This year could not be more different from last year. The trail was blocked by bottomless snow drifts, some of which I fell into up to my waist! But I persevered because I was so curious to find out if the bears were there yet and if Tiny the Black Bear had come out of his den for another season.

Alas, I should have known when I fell into snow drifts that the bears were too smart to try to travel any distance in our forest in the deep and treacherous snow. No bears had been out yet this year.

Last year, Tiny was the first out, as he is most years. Mating season starts in the spring, and it seems as if he likes to spread his scent as many places as possible to get a head start on it.

This is Tiny's preferred way of marking trees. He stands up and rubs his back all over specific trees that all the nearby bears mark and sniff. He is very tall - as tall as a tall man.

It's best to see bears marking trees in ACTION so here is the video of Tiny on that day.

Tiny is a bear who has ruled our neck of the woods for a long time. No other bear is close to him in size. Some of you might remember that he returned from his long travels to forage and gain weight early last year, in August. He was badly injured, holding up one hind paw as he walked. He disappeared after that sighting, likely going into a den to start healing early.

I don't know if he'll be out this spring or not. He may simply continue to lie low as he gets stronger. Or, he may have died over the winter - I hope not but it's best for my heart to be realistic.

I will be checking my cams with more anxiety than usual this spring, hoping to see him.


  1. Yes, we sure hope Tiny makes an appearance too.

  2. I love to see them back from hibernation and I wish them a beary good time ;O)

  3. I do hope dear Tiny is alive and well and will show up on your cams soon. he is so handsome. I thnk he needs to find a bigger tree. ha ha...

  4. I hope he's okay and he shows back up all well for another year. Good looking bear.

    Have a fabulous day, my friend. ♥

  5. That poor tree. LOL We hope Tiny is healing and will be visible soon.

  6. We are anxiously waiting to see who emerges from your bear dens this season too. Our paws are crossed for Tiny to be back.

  7. Oh my word I do hope Tiny's paw healed while he was in hibernation and you will see him soon.
    What a handsome bear....do keep us posted
    Hugs Cecilia

  8. We sure hope he didn't die over the winter and will be staring once again on your trail cams.

  9. Fab trail cam photos and videos, and how different the season this year. I hope the extra snow gives Tiny a longer time to heal and the melted snow brings moisture for all those plants and trees.

  10. Our paws are crossed Tiny is all better and re-emerges this Spring. He is such a (super big)cutie!

  11. We always enjoy seeing the bears too - we sure hope Tiny will make an appearance and maybe have healed a lot.

  12. We sure hope Tiny will be back! It's amazing the difference in the seasons from year to year. I think last year at this time our yard was clear of snow. We have a lot of bare ground, but still a lot of snow in some areas too. It's actually snowing and sleeting now; I do think we also got some April snow storms last year too!
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  13. Hopefully, he's experienced enough to just stay in his den until the snow is more manageable.

  14. I also hope Tiny is well. Looking forward to your updates!

  15. I hope he is OK. He's a magnificent bear.

  16. We hope Tiny has healed, too. Xena has a whole Clan of bears in her kennel that she drags around the house.

  17. I hope Tiny emerges all healed. My friend saw bear tracks in her yard just outside Breckenridge last week. The drifts are impassable in my yard. Also, it's snowing again.

  18. Wow,, these photos are more than amazing! Just look at the power in those bears,, and they are such big strong bears, and beautiful!
    Were hoping Tiny comes out soon.

  19. I'm the same - trying to be realistic and not expect anything, but hoping with all my heart that the best outcome will happen :)


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