Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Sunday, June 2, 2019

Black Dog Sunday

R does absolutely everything with exuberant energy. This photo shows him galloping at top speed across Shyla's Mesa.
It's one of my absolute favorites, with his flying ears, graceful lines, and even a few teeth showing.

On this Black Dog Sunday, I am feeling huge gratitude for R. His personality is so sweet yet his drive to live life to the fullest is extreme!

Happy Black Dog Sunday.


  1. What An Image - Big Hugs Black Dog


  2. hari OM
    True silhouette! YAM xx (back in the Hutch this weekend - but down with an infection...sigh...)

  3. Black Dog Black Silhouette on Black Dog Sunday. what could be better than floppy flying black dogs

  4. R the very first thing I noticed after 'thinking R is one handsome Dude' was the tooth.
    WOW. Mom has a quick snapping finger
    Hugs Cecilia

  5. You are total beauty in motion, R!

  6. That photo illustrates 'living in the moment.'

  7. He is like the Energizer Bunny - always ready to go and go some more.

  8. What a great photo of a lovely dog. Thank you also for your thunderstorm advice to give treats. We had a four hour rolling thunderstorm over our heads last night, it just didn't let up and we are not used to it here. The lights went out, dogs were fine with all that, except for when the big bangs came. They got so scared, but the treats focused them on more fun things and all was well almost immediately.

  9. It truly is, a Happy Black Dog Sunday!!

  10. Oh, I loves that photo! I just loves the BDS editions!
    Keep flyin' R!!!!
    Ruby ♥

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. Only thing missing is his cape (had a typo in the previous comment-argh).

  13. Some of my fondest memories of my angel girls are how they lived life to the fullest in spite of their health limitations. You go, R!!! ♥
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  14. I love R more than any dog I've never met. Such a kind soul who has endured so much and still loves everything.


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