Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Saturday, June 1, 2019

Stormy Saturday

While we were in the desert, I spent almost every evening on photography. One of my favorite places is "Shyla's Mesa". It's the far right flat-topped hill in this photo. It's just barely in the sunlight.
It's my favorite place to photograph our dogs sprinting. The beautiful rocky walls on the east and west sides of the mesa make great backdrops for silhouettes. And you all know how I love silhouettes.

This was one of my favorites that I made on Shyla's Mesa in April. Shyla is in front, and R is chasing her. Look at how hard R was galloping. He was frantically trying to catch Shyla. He has such an incredibly strong spirit.

I get so involved in photography that I often don't notice what is happening around me. Suddenly, as I was photographing the dogs, I heard a rumble from the sky and looked to the south. Oh my!

During this desert trip, I learned how huge desert storms can be. They can suddenly fill an entire horizon. I quickly switched to a wide angle lens to get a better view. The sky had already become even more threatening.

I watched the storm change colors, and I listened to the rumbling. Huge bolts of lightning zig-zagged through the cloud. Yet again, I didn't manage to capture one with my camera.
We soon hid in the LabMobile as the storm enveloped us. It was Hachi's first lightning storm in his life. We played the game where he got treats after each boom of thunder. It's a game that we play with all of our dogs to help ward off thunder-phobia. Hachi didn't seem at all upset by the storm.

Even the storms in the desert are gorgeous!


  1. What a great game to play to ward off thunder-phobia! I wish that I would have started this with Molly way back when she was wee-Molly. Your photos are just incredible, KB!

  2. Wow! What a cloud! Too many !!!, but what can you do? Words are just not enough. And it's great for me to find someone who loves the desert as much as I do.

  3. those storm pics are Spectacular!! wow. I love the light and the dark in each one of them. the silhouettes are perfect, you are the best at taking those..... the black against the bright sun is so pretty... I might need a treat if I were in the lab mobile during a thunder storm. I don't like them either

  4. Spectacular colours, and to give Shyla a treat, maybe there was a huge lot of comfort with you all together inside the Labmobile. Silhouettes, they are stunning, and to carry a camera bag with other lenses, well done.Mine seems too heavy now to take on my back, and I seldom use the telephoto lens now either.

  5. It sure is wonderful to see R and Shyla going like that. My, those are some big storm clouds!

  6. So heartwarming to see R and Shyla romping in the rockies
    the storm clouds are amazing.
    Hugs Cecilia

  7. Wow! Incredible photos - what a beautiful place to visit, even with a storm blowing in.

  8. There is something so compelling about thunderstorms and I suspect that is magnified in the desert. We've also been lucky not to have any of our dogs fear storms. I always love your desert photographs.

  9. Those skies are incredible!!! Glad you made it safely to the LabMobile. Good for Hachi - good way to dispel those fears.

  10. That is so scary to me! I'd be running for cover, not trying to take photos. LOL
    That's a great plan for Hachi with the storms.
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets


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