Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Sunday, June 23, 2019

Black Dog Sunday

Our Black Dog goes so well with yellow flowers!

He went out for a short bike ride with Shyla and me this week.  They lay in the yellow flowers together when we got up high.

It's been so cold that our flowers are a bit behind where they usually are at this time of year. I am really hoping that all of this rain, which purportedly will be followed by sunny and warm weather, will make them take off!
The three of us had a blast out on the trails together. Our Black Dog's amazing energy and love of life continues!

What a happy guy our Black Dog is!!!


  1. thanks for my morning SMILES... who could NOT smile at these beautiful faces in the yellow flowers

  2. Love These Photos But That First Shot Is A Real Gem. This Was A Beautiful Way To Start My Day. Hand Out Some Extra Treats Please From Uncle T


  3. Hari OM
    I second Sandra's comment! YAM xx

  4. What lovely photos amongst the flowers :) Jet and Arli

  5. We love seeing you R and we always love seeing you with sweet Shyla!

  6. It is so inspiring to see how the marvelous black dog manages to meet all obstacles and come out making the best of everything. His focus on today helps me to also focus on today.

  7. R looks happy to be out and laying among the flowers with Shyla.

  8. R you look most outstanding...out standing in the field. You sure are enjoying your romp in the fields with your two Gals, Mom and Shyla
    Hugs Cecilia

  9. You and Shyla both look wonderful lounging in the beautiful yellow flowers, R!

  10. Yes, yellow flowers are definitely black dog colors.

  11. They both look great in a field of yellow. Of course, everything goes well with black...BOL!

  12. I love the pictures and and I totally agree, what a happy guy your Black Dog is!

  13. So pretty. Summer appears to have made its presence known. Only a few days late.

  14. It is so heartwarming to see R doing so well!! ♥
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  15. R and Shyla both are so happy


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