Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Monday, June 24, 2019

The Hachi Chronicle

Hachi has had an amazing week. He is not worrying so much about life, and it seems to be due to the behavioral meds. It is so wonderful to see.

We had another appointment at the behavioral vet hospital this week. His first appointment a couple of weeks ago led him to be labeled as "very reactive", meaning that he responded to strangers by barking and lunging at them. This week, he was calm and relaxed. He didn't bark or act upset at all during his appointment. That's probably entirely the effect of the meds, and we are so happy about it. It seems that the meds are relaxing his mind so that we can now do behavioral modification much more effectively.
Hachi spotted cattle, gazed at them, and then let it go!
I can hardly express how much better we feel about Hachi's progress this week. It feels to me as if he will eventually be almost normal. In fact, even now, he appears to be normal in settings where he's comfortable, like at his dog training class or in familiar places in town. He also does great on the trails near our house. Every person who he's met there has been nice - so he's learning to look forward to seeing people there. The meds are changing him so much - in a good way.
Letting loose in the meadow behind our house
He's still living separately from the other dogs inside the house, and that will probably continue for quite a while out of an abundance of caution. When he is comfortable wearing a muzzle, we'll be able to consider letting him spend time loose in the house with the Duo but not until then. He's already pretty good about wearing a muzzle... and I hope that we can make a big leap forward soon.

He loves his off-leash time with his siblings on the trails. He and Shyla chase each other so very fast, around and around in circles in the big meadows near us. Hachi runs so enthusiastically, luring Shyla into chasing him.

And Hachi is off to the races, knowing that she will chase him. Doesn't he look like a happy puppy?
I know that this will not be a straight line journey from damaged puppy to a normal puppy so I fear getting too optimistic. But, for this week, I am smiling. Our puppy is happy.


  1. we hope the meds will do the trick and that all problems will be hoistory once... as soon as possible ;O)

  2. I Am Fascinated With The Shyla Cam - Also, Rather Amazed By Little H's Muscular Definition - Sure Is Wonderful Having The Pack Together Again


  3. Hari OM
    And we smile with you. All glimmers provide hope and hope is a anchor! YAM xx

  4. I am SO glad to hear he's doing better!

  5. That's great news about Hachi's progress. We are keeping our paws crossed that he continues to improve.

  6. What kind of food are you feeding him? I have read that there are cooling foods and warming foods. In the summer I keep Blueberry away from any of the warming foods and vice versa in the winter. She's already pretty even tempered, but I have noticed a big difference in her ability to settle down and remain calmer. I wonder if anything like that might help Hachi?

    1. Hmm, I'll have to read about that. He's eating a basic grain-inclusive kibble diet. I believe that the main protein is chicken. Thanks for the comment! :)

    2. Chicken is a warming food. If you check out Dog's Naturally you can get some pretty good information on there if you search for cooling/warming foods. Hope the info can help. :)

  7. YAY for happy Hachi puppy and yes he does look happy and so beautiful and funny to

  8. Whatever works for you and keeps the peace, Hachi. You do look very happy in your photos!

  9. Great news! Hachi is such a handsome boy. Wishing you continued progress with this happy pup.

  10. So glad to hear you are seeing progress and feeling better :)

  11. Oh I am so very very happy for all of you. Baby steps lead to giant leaps and we know Hachi is a leaper.
    Hugs Cecilia

  12. So happy to hear Hachi has had a great week...and we hope for many more just like it!

  13. Oh yea, Hachi looks so wonderfully happy!

  14. We're all doing our happy dance for Hachi and you.

  15. Go Hachi!! Maybe he was used to the outdoors before he came to love with you, and his attitude inside is so different because of that. So glad the meds are working, your words sound/read happier, I am thankful for every day when all things run smoothly.Hugs from a frosty 4C morning down here.

  16. We had a sweet golden retriever who needed behavioral meds, primarily because he lived in complete fear otherwise. The meds were a huge help and he took them permanently with no bad side effects. I'm glad Hachi is being helped; it's not surprising that he would have reacted out of fear after his early life. Some dogs -- and people! -- seem to "live on the outside of their skin," as a friend put it, and need the chemical support to feel less hypersensitive. Best wishes for continued improvement by Hachi! He could not be with better people to help him than with you guys!

  17. He is still a goofy puppy....so cute. So happy the meds are working. Look forward to the day when maybe he won't need them.

  18. We really hope the best for him and that he will learn to be a well balanced boy without aggression issues.

  19. This is good news and hope things will continue to go well for Hachi!
    Mabel & Hilda

  20. You have every reason to be more optimistic. Here's hoping the gains continue and increase.

  21. Wow, his eyes are so much more relaxed. So great that something is working. :)

  22. Wonderful! So glad the meds are kicking in so well. And a calm vet visit - wow!!!

    Chris from Boise

  23. This good news and what amazing photos. We hope Hachi keep making progress. Hugs

  24. Always good news hearing your pupster is makes progress, one paw at a time. Keep up the good work.

  25. I am so, so happy for you that things are going well and looking up!
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  26. This post makes me smile. Its full of hope

  27. This is so awesome! I'm glad the meds are working!


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