Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Sunday, June 9, 2019

Black Dog Sunday

It's been one of the ruffest weeks that I can remember in a long time (more about that tomorrow). Our schedule and daily routines were disrupted but one great side effect was that I had some time on the trails with both halves of the Labraduo.

We made a beeline for my favorite place, where the Duo hid behind a rock with the towering Continental Divide behind them.
Shyla loves to play hide and seek games, and she taught this one to her brother. They made me smile!

Later, after the mountains were back in the sunlight, I had the two of them stand atop the hill together.

I feel so lucky that R can, at the drop of a hat, head out for a mountain bike ride with me and Shyla. I don't take him as far as I did when he was a young pup but he is so enthusiastic about a short ride!
We've had lots of pairs of Labs over the years. Each pair had their special attributes. This pair is distinctive for their bond. They love each other, and they are so relaxed when together. I feel lucky for every single day that we have with them.

Happy Black Dog Sunday!


  1. What a glorious day to be trekking with your Labraduo...purrs that this week is 360 degrees different from last week

  2. Help I am smiling and I can't stop! each photo my smile got bigger and bigger. Pee Pie I see both of you.. so sweet.

  3. You are truly blessed-for the incredible scenery as well as for your furry companions.

  4. What beautiful photos of the two of you, Shyla and R!

  5. Hoping Hachi is OK, while reveling in the joy I see in this wonderful lab pair.

  6. Go Black Dog! His enthusiasm is contagious, and the bond between Shyla and him is beyond compare. We send hugs as you finish off this "ruff" week. and hope that life regains its shine for all of you post-haste.

    Chris from Boise

  7. Sorry to hear all has not been well.
    Great series of images!

  8. Sending Love & Beautifully Captured Moments In Time


  9. They look so happy in that second photo--and a bit smug that they were managed to trick you by hiding!

  10. I'm so glad you were able to get a break and take a ride with the dynamic Lab duo! :) ♥
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  11. Sorry your week was challenging. I am glad you found some moments for fun.

  12. Love the game and the photographs. Hope everything gets straightened out.

  13. Hope this coming week will be better for you. Love seeing the duo!
    Mabel & Hilda


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