Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Friday, June 7, 2019

Sunset Saturday

It's feeling like summertime, finally. The sunset lights up at around 8:30PM. And it is often gorgeous. In this one, I loved the sky reflections in the snow.

And a sunset silhouette.
I remember when the idea for photographing silhouettes hit me. The Duo and I were out for an evening hike, and I spotted a few coyotes atop a huge boulder. They were silhouetted against the sky. I didn't get my camera ready before they fled. But then I realized that a dog silhouette looks a lot like a coyote silhouette. An idea was born.

Happy Saturday. I hope that all of you from the Northern hemisphere are enjoying the long days and warm sunshine!


  1. Seems like you've gone straight from winter into summer! Lovely photos.

  2. i have enjoyed all your silhouettes, and this sky today is spectacular

  3. WOW that sunset is gorgeous...and well you know I love me some puppy silhouettes
    Hugs Cecilia

  4. Uh, you said summertime and snow in the same short paragraph...

    1. Welcome to life at 8,200' and higher! Many of our trails are still closed due to snow! :) And that's a good thing - because the fire danger will be lower later in the summer and fall!

  5. Your silhouette pictures are always so beautiful.

  6. Your images remind me what a privilege it is to live in this state!

  7. I'm so glad you saw those coyotes and they gave you this idea. I love your silhouette photos!
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets


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