Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Friday, June 7, 2019

Nature Friday - Baby Animals in our Forest

'Tis the season for baby animals. Our elk herd winters here and then goes up very high in the mountains for the summer. That's where they usually give birth to their calves.

The herd broke into smaller groups and began departing toward the west a couple of weeks ago. So, I was surprised when I repeatedly saw a cow elk lurking in the trees on a trail near our house. It seemed so odd that she didn't go with the herd.

My trail cam told me why... She must have given birth unexpectedly early. Look at the long legs on that calf!

 A few miles away, this photo popped up on a trail cam.

Soon, their mom appeared behind them. She is a fat and healthy sow! I'm not sure which sow she is - but I will work on figuring it out. I am absolutely thrilled to see her and her cubs.

The cubs were sniffing the pine needles in front of the cam. I must admit that I know why. This is where mountain lions mark regularly. One marked there pretty recently.
So, as bucolic as summertime feels, it is a scary world out there for those moms trying to shepherd their young to adulthood. I know that I'll be cheering them on.

I have a video for you if you like seeing baby animals in action.

Thanks to the LLB Gang for hosting the Nature Friday Blog Hop!


  1. that is tooo cute... I wish them all the best... this time is difficult for dog owners, it's better to have them on a leash before...

  2. The baby bears and elk are so cute! Yesterday we saw a fox carrying "breakfast" and today we saw the fox cubs crossing the street behind her.

  3. The wee ones are always so cute to see!

  4. i hope the babies survive the big cat. i can't decide if the elk baby or the cubs get the biggest AWWWWW. they are so sweet to watch... stay safe out there with your awesome wild life...

  5. We have our paws crossed that all the little ones will make it to maturity. Those bear cubs are just too cute.

  6. Babies everywhere....here hoping the Bear and Elk families grow to beautiful toodlers this summer!!
    Hugs Cecilia

  7. Babies are babies no matter what. So adorable.

    Have a fabulous day and weekend. ♥

  8. Oh my word, that little black cub is so freakin' cute! Happy weekend. It's dry and toasty at a mile high.

  9. Baby animals are the best, but nature can be very cruel to them.

  10. Hari OM
    oh my goodness, nothing makes the heart sing like baby animals! then the thought of surviving kicks in... YAM xx

  11. What fun! Yes, my heart aches to think these babies may not grow up to be adults. Unfortunately that is the way it is for animals.

  12. We do hope that little calf and mother find the herd so they can be safe.

  13. What beautiful footage, those bear cubs are adorable! We know the circle of life happens....and know the lion may have mouths to feed too, but are still secretly routing for the elk calf!

  14. Wow the mom really does look strong and healthy as do the cubs. I am excited to hear when you figure more out about her. I want to know if she is a younger female, if we have seen her before. cant wait to hear about it....and hopefully watch those little ones grow.

  15. Love that video. The bear cubs are just too cute. So fun to see the one lifting his legs high up to get over the branches:)

  16. Oh the video,,,, those baby bears are too cute! And yes those legs on the baby elk are sooo long!

  17. Gosh, I always thought it was us dogs who had the most adorable offspring, but it seems all those puuies have rivals in the cuteness department. We wish all those young animals all the best for a long, happy and free life.
    Toodle pip!

  18. We sure hope those babies grow safely into adults. Looked like snow in the last few frames.

  19. Always love the babies!!
    Mabel & Hilda

  20. It's so great to see Moms and babes looking healthy and happy! Was that snow falling on that lion?
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets


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