Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Friday, June 28, 2019

Mama moose's new calf learns to swim!

It is a miraculous time of year. Mama moose would like to present her new calf!
It is incredible how much smaller a calf is than mom. I think that mom might need to lie down to let her calf nurse.

For part of their time at this pond, the calf was very mellow. But then, the calf decided to swim! Mom was standing next to my trail camera. She seemed concerned, making some grunting noises.

The calf made it across just fine. But then mom tried to leave while her calf was on the other side of the pond. The calf moved very fast to catch up.

Sightings like this one are a big reason why I love it here so much.

You can check out a video of their time at the pond, including the swim.

Thanks to the LLB Gang for hosting the Nature Friday blog hop!


  1. can you ask mama moose for swimmung lessons for us too please?

    1. She'd love to teach you (he he)!!!! Come on over!

  2. I think i heard an airplane go over when the baby was hurrying to catch up at the end. my favoirte shot of them is the still, in the video when they stop in the right hand corner and stare, they are identical but big and little... love their ears. and the sound of them wading in the water is so peaceful...

  3. The baby moose is just too cute.

  4. What a wonderful place you live in, to be able to observe all these animals! Thanks for sharing.

  5. Aw, you have such wonderful entertainment. Excellent.

    Have a fabulous day and weekend. ♥

  6. That really is something special to see!!!

  7. That is so amazing! If I lived there, I would never get anything done...I'd want to be out watching all those beautiful animals day in and day out! Looks like summer has finally arrived in the Rockies! Thank you for sharing:)

  8. That is so amazing! If I lived there, I would never get anything done...I'd want to be out watching all those beautiful animals day in and day out! Looks like summer has finally arrived in the Rockies! Thank you for sharing:)

  9. Oh my Mooses!! What amazing footage...
    Hugs Cecilia

  10. This was some wonderful to see. We may need some swimming lessons from that mama moose. The calf was moving very well across the pond. Thanks for sharing the video. Have a great weekend.
    World of Animals

  11. How adorable is that. Moms and babies are always good to watch.

  12. So tiny compared with Mum, but swimming already, and what a tiny cry out, this is so amazing,something we would not see down here.

  13. Almost as good as being there. Great video.

  14. It's wonderful to see moose as elegant creatures - even the baby is becoming adept at using those long legs!

  15. What a lovely capture on your camera. We hope we get to see more of the baby and mama moose.

  16. Love those long spindly legs of the calf. Glad to see a nice full watering hole, too.

  17. The little one's legs are so amazingly long! He really seemed to love the water.
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets


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