Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Thursday, June 27, 2019

Thankful Thursday

On this Thankful Thursday, I am feeling gratitude for how far medical research has come. First, there's Hachi. Without the breakthroughs in helping humans with psychiatric disorders, Hachi would not be doing so well today.

Seeing him and Shyla play each evening makes my heart swell with gratitude. Although Shyla is only seven years old, her gray makes her look older, which I love seeing next to the puppyish face of Hachi.

He seems so much happier with his behavioral meds on board. He's not constantly worried and afraid. He plays like the puppy that he is.

I'm trying to be grateful about medical advances for another reason. My dad has cancer, recently diagnosed. His treatment is starting. It's been hard having that going on along with the other stressful "stuff" of the past couple of months.

No one ever knows how our tough times will turn out. Part of life is trying as hard as you can to sway events in a good direction but you never know what will happen in the future. Yes, Hachi seems to be improving but we don't know how his temperament will turn out. And my dad has great doctors who are optimistic. I hope that their optimism is right on.
Thanks to our friend, Brian, for hosting the Thankful Thursday Blog Hop.


  1. You have just the right attitude. In troubled times you try to sway the pendulum in the right direction but remain realistic about the unknown future. Sending healing, positive vibes for your father. And good wishes for Hachi and the pack.

  2. Hari OM
    So true that we cannot determine outcomes; the very best we can do is as you are now, accepting what has been achieved, what is offered as hope and grasp these closely! YAM xx

  3. Cancer stinks. We send your dad lots of positive vibes and a huge hug for you, KB.

  4. Cancer treatment has advanced so much in the last
    decade. We pray for a positive outcome for your dad.
    It's nice to see Hachi running with Shyla having fun.
    Hugs and Love to all your family. POTP

    ♥ Astro Mitzie & Linda

  5. We are so happy to see a happy Hachi with sweet Shyla. We'll be sending tons of good thoughts for you Dad and great big hugs for you too. Thanks for joining the Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  6. I'm so sorry about your dad. Prayers in progress for a great outcome. Life can sure throw you some curve balls. You're right about not knowing what trials we'll be faced with.

    Great shot of your pups. I hope the meds work and Hachi will have a wonderful life.

    Have a fabulous Thankful Thursday. Scritches to the pups. ♥

  7. We're so glad to hear Hachi continues to improve. Our paws are crossed tight for your dad and we hope his treatments are successful.

  8. the ears are so fabulous, and so super funny!

  9. Gorgeous Wildflowers Capture, Sure Love Those Ears, & Sending Healing Vibes Your Way - Big Hugs

  10. I'm sorry to hear about your dad's diagnosis. That the doctor's are optimistic is a good indicator. All the best to you and yours.

    Love the photos of Hachi and Shyla running together.

  11. Positive thoughts go a long ways, we send positive vibes to your dad and Hachi too
    Mabel & Hilda

  12. I understand exactly what you are going through. My oldest sister just finished cancer treatment. It's been a stressful few months with first surgery and then chemo. All things point to a good result, and I am praying for the same for your father. We just don't know what difficulties life is going to throw at us, and it's really tough to keep our chins up sometimes.
    I am so glad for so far, so good for Hachi too, and hope that all continues to look up for him. ♥
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  13. What a lovely series of Shyl and Hachi...photos. Thankful for their happy spirits.

    KB sending lots of prayers and hugs to your family as you navigate thru your Dad's treatments

  14. Great news about Hachi! Prayers for your Dad and your family!

  15. Life has so many twists, and as I look at your trail high up there, tall grasses with flowers and snow on the far peaks, hope that the outdoors, Hachi enjoying life as a puppy should, Shyla glowing and R resting, will colour your day with love, and now your Dad with this, I know everything will seem overwhelming, but be strong, positive thoughts and wishes from all over the world will be with you every day.XXXXX

  16. Sometimes you just have to be thankful for what you have in front of you and not worry about the future and things that may not happen.

  17. my heart to yours dear one. my husband died of cancer when he was only 43. and since then the strides they have made are incredible. the son in law of one of my dearest friends had the same kind and he is cancer free now. so there is ALWAYS hope! and Puppy Hachi is still and always will be your little sweetheart. xo

  18. Hope is something one has to have. Without hope, you have nothing. Believe and stay positive. Things will work out.

  19. I sometimes think that it is just astonishing how far medicine has come in the past 20 or 30 years. I'm glad Hachi is benefiting from these advances, and I hope your Dad will too. I know how hard it is to watch a loved one setting off on a course of cancer treatment, but surely a great and optimistic team is a big plus! I'll be keeping a good thought, KB - and your own "team of three" pups will help you stay on an even keel, I'm sure.

  20. Your positive attitude will benefit all of you. Yikes! I sound like a Chinese fortune cookie.

  21. We are very thankful that we get to see Hachi and Shyla having so much fun together. These pictures are just simply pawsome. Thanks for the share. Have a great rest of your day.
    World of Animals

  22. I am sorry to hear about your dad and wish him luck with treatment. And am thrilled for your pups.

  23. So happy to hear about Hachi but sorry to hear about your Dad's diagnosis. As mentioned above, and witnessed with my husband, cancer treatments have come a long way in the past few years. Will pray for a positive outcome for your dad.

  24. Best wishes all around for your dad, and for Hachi's continued improvement!

  25. All my best wishes and prayers for your Dad and for you to stay strong! I too am grateful for medical research and for those who volunteer to be part of these studies. They truly make a difference, just as you are for Hachi!

  26. Oh noes. I am so sorry to hears abouts your Dad. I think it's good news that the dogtors are optimistic ~ that is a very good sign. Sendin' lots of POTP and healin' vibes to your Pops. Tells him he has lots and lots of peeps and doggies and kittehs and other anipals, sendin' positive vibes to him.
    Hachi sure does look amazin'! Good work!
    Ruby ♥

  27. I'm so sorry your Dad is going through this - I am wishing him all the best. You have a lot on your plate right now, so be sure to take care of yourself, too :)

  28. Sending oodles of poodles of healing thoughts your way. 😍


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