Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Saturday, June 15, 2019

Shyla on Saturday

My time with Shyla on the mountain trails fills me with happiness. One day, we stopped on Hug Hill for a photo. Shyla was standing in her favorite spot...

... when a youngster came along and photobombed! It's not focused well because I wasn't expecting our photobomber but it's still funny.
You might remember that youngster. She used to come over and play with the Labraduo when she was a puppy. She's grown up into a super sweet dog.

My favorite thing at this time of year is the wildflowers. They are just starting to bloom.

And sweet Shyla loves running through them. 
It's one of my favorite sights.

The week ended well. During this week of bad things, I damaged a tooth  - and it was fixed today. If only all the other things could be fixed so easily.

Enjoy your Saturday.


  1. Hari OM
    gorgeous gal, Shyla!!! Beautiful 'bomber' &*> Repairs of all types are varied, as are the 'breakdowns' requiring said repairs. (Says the one who is still 'crook' with the infection and trying to be patient with herself - not easy!) YAM xx

  2. We just love the picture of you smiling as you run through the wildflowers, Shyla!

  3. so sorry about the tooth and it would be nice if there was a doctor that could take over our problems and fix them like a dentist fixes our teeth.. i love the first shot and the second is so sweet

  4. The photo bomb picture is funny but that last one of Shyla among the wild flowers is beautiful.

  5. As always Shyla is postcard picture pawfect!

  6. Fun photos and I'm glad you got that tooth all fixed up.

  7. Shyla what a darling photo of your and your bestie!! You two are show stopping gorgeous as are your wildflowers. KB Thank goodness your tooth has been fixed. Oral pain is relentless
    Hugs Cecilia

  8. How funny to be photo-bombed way out there!

  9. Love every shot today, and also the shot of pain killer at the dentists maybe? If only, for so much in our lives, rejoice in those days out there with the two of you.

  10. I remember Shyla running through the yellow flowers from last year. Those were lovely photos and I'm looking forward to more. BTW, I have recently noticed that Faith has grown a real nice Lab tail. And filled out, so she looks more like a Lab. With short legs......

  11. If only we didn't have so many things that needed fixing! Some days I feel like life should be easier...and I'm sure you feel that way at times too.
    Lovely photos, love the photobomb!
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets


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