Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Friday, June 14, 2019

Nature Friday: Big cats in the Night very Close to the Camera

I have one trail cam very close to a small spring. Every summer, the mountain lions love to drink from the spring. I think that this big male had stashed a kill nearby because he drank there on two nights in late May.
His muscular front limbs and neck are almost scary from so close. After his drink, he walked up the trail to a spot where lions have scraped frequently for years. Of course, he left a scrape. He's a big male mountain lion, and they never miss a chance to declare their dominance!

A few nights later, he passed the same spot again and stopped for a drink. Look at his reflection in the water.

Lions often like to mark in spots where other species mark. In this case, a lion scraped under a tree where bears frequently mark. This "leaning tree" may look familiar to those of you who follow along with this blog. Tiny and other bears mark it regularly.

Here's a short video from the drinks and travels of our late May mountain lions. Check out his tongue in the "cover still" for the video.


  1. Oh wow, that reflection shot is gorgeous!

  2. hari OM
    Always feel so privileged to be watching this - thank you again KB!!! YAM xx

  3. he is a magnifcent cat and very loud drinker. LOL... Big sounds like that to... love that reflection shot

  4. Such a beautiful lion. He sure looks big in that close up shot.

  5. Basically, the kitty is reading the news of the area regularly in that area I guess, and leaving some news too.

  6. Such amazing kitties!!! I hope you all have a calm weekend!

  7. The shot of his reflection is gorgeous. There have been a few daytime sightings around here. On the way to the nuns, there's a mom with four babies, don't know what mountain lion babies are called. It's such a treat to see how they live, thank you for putting up your cameras.

  8. OMCs I lve that 2nd photo!!
    Hugs Cecilia

  9. Perfect for Feline Friday. These are the big felines.

    Have a fabulous day and weekend. Scritches to the pups. ♥

  10. Such gorgeous cats...love the delicate way they lap water!
    Also really enjoyed hearing the storm in the video background!

  11. He is a big, muscular boy. Great seeing him relaxed and enjoying HIS forest.

  12. He's really a handsome mountain lion. It's good to see him healthy and living his life the way it should be lived.

  13. He is very thirsty and very handsome!

  14. I love that reflection shot too...it's amazing what you can get with a trail camera!
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets


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