Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Thursday, June 13, 2019

Thankful Thursday - For Play!

In the midst of the tumult in our lives, a great source of happiness has been continuing to let Hachi play outside. Despite his issues, he's a puppy at heart.

The behaviorist felt that we could let him play outdoors with the Duo. He has never been aggressive toward them anywhere but inside the house. Each morning, he plays outside with R. And, each evening, he plays outside with Shyla.

He's been doing a lot of appeasement behaviors with both of them, licking their chins and acting deferential. They seem to accept his good intentions. Dogs are amazing with their capacity to forgive.

He and Shyla mostly play chase games. They are SO fast, zooming in circles around us as we hike. They both seem to have a blast. They are very well matched in speed and play style.
I hope with all my heart that the fun that they can have together continues! I am filled with gratitude for this good sign in the midst of a ruff week.

Many thanks to our friend Brian for hosting the Thankful Thursday blog hop.


  1. like two racing horses... you need a special cam to find out which paw enters the finsish line furst ;O)))

  2. We hope they can become roommates again.

  3. We hope the wonderful happiness continues! Love the pictures of you and Hachi, Shyla!

  4. Happy Days Ahead - Be Well - Amazing Photos As Always


  5. We are so very happy to see them playing together! Thanks for joining the Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  6. Enjoy every good day for what it is. That's what the dogs do. Don't spoil it with expectations, just be thankful and enjoy.

  7. KB what a most positive post of thankfulness for small, but very significant behavior improvement....Hachi is very lucky to have an a.m. play mate and p.m. playmate and most of all loving 2 leggers
    Hugs Cecilia

  8. It's good to see them playing together. They are all such beautiful dogs.

  9. Aggression issues are really tough, and heart breaking. I hope Hatchi will start to get better and the trio can be whole again down the road.

  10. I hope this all works out well. Your pups are so amazing.

    Have a fabulous Thankful Thursday. Scritches to the pups. ♥

  11. Gosh, he looks as big as Shyla now! I'm so glad that he can still have some play time with his siblings; hopefully that helps in the long run too. ♥
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  12. Well, it's something, and it's good.

  13. It was almost always inside when things would be at their worst. So glad they can play outdoors together.

    Can't get over how big he is getting!!

  14. Photo finish! Maybe Hachi feels like that inside if that is the only place where they feed. I hope so much that he will improve.Those ears as he flies, gorgeous.

  15. We are keeping our paws crossed that Hachi continues to improve and your pack will be fully reunited soon.

  16. Hachi is getting so big and he is so cute! Glad to see they can all have outdoor playtime together. That is very encouraging:)

  17. Hoping it all works out and soon they will all be getting along and playing together. You take amazing pictures...that last one is outstanding. Hugs

  18. Hachi has really grown! It is wonderful that they can have this good play time outside
    Mabel & Hilda

  19. Fingers crossed that lots of outdoor letting-off-steam time will help his indoor behaviour. Can't believe how quickly he's grown.

  20. I'm so glad the dogs are still allowed time for daily interacting and "playing nicely" - this must be so helpful for all of you.

  21. Hoping there are many more days of tag for them.


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