Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Black Dog Sunday

Hot, hot, hot. Too hot for a Black Dog to go out and play in the heat of the day. So, he and I played just after sunset a few evenings.

He seems to feel good. He went to the vet for a followup ultrasound to follow the tumors growing on his spleen and adrenal gland. The spenic ones are unchanged but the adrenal one has begun growing. It's not big enough to need immediate surgery but R will have his belly shaved again in three months time to follow up. He's too precious not to keep track of this while it's still small enough that something can be done.

Although our Black Dog is the target of Hachi's aggression, R still acts as if he likes Hachi and wants to play with him. He has an absolutely huge heart and is so trusting that things will go better "next time". No worries - we are being extremely protective of him but our Black Dog's ability to forgive is something to admire and emulate.
It is another very happy Black Dog Sunday! Thanks for reading.


  1. R is soooooooooo beautiful, wish I could hug him... my post today is what our Big black dog does when it is hot hot hot… when Jake was aggressive it was always towards Cooper, the male but not Baby the female. maybe it is street dog male stuff. so sorry.

  2. Hari OM
    then Black Dog R is the epitome of Love with the capital 'ell'!!! YAM xx

  3. We all need to follow your "ability to forgive", R. The world would be a much better place. What gorgeous photos of you among the wildflowers!

  4. My favorite post every week is this one about the wonderful R. I'm sorry to hear his tumor has begun to grow and that he faces another surgery. But his disposition will make it easier on him than on you and the runner. What a mellow and wonderul dog he is.

  5. We all love you R, you are super special!

  6. What a special boy. So glad the hear that Hachi's aggression hasn't resulted in a tit for tat.

  7. R sure looks like he is having a good time. We are having scorching temps here too and hope it goes away soon.

  8. R my word every picture of your is just stunning but today's #2 and # one are worthy of enlargement and framing. Your shiny furs seem to enhance the wildflowers. Yep you are precious for so many reasons...
    Hachi is fortunate to have a tolerant big bro like you!!
    I hear you on the hots.....oh my handsome friend it has been relentless here too. Last week many days with triple digit heat index. So we just hibernated. They promising cooler temps mid week.

    Hugs to you, Shyla, Hachi, Mom and the Runner

  9. He is a sweet boy. So ready to forgive and give another chance.

  10. Happy Black Dog Sunday. He is just so handsome. Love seeing the photos having a fun time running around outside. Hope the weather cools down soon. Thanks for the share. Have a beautiful rest og your Sunday.
    World of Animals

  11. R certainly IS a very special spirit. We hope his tumor stays small and he continues to thrive.

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  12. Paws crossed for you R!
    Mabel & Hilda

  13. R is such a love and so patient, and kind and understanding of his little brother.
    We are keeping our paws crossed that everything stays under control with R's tumors.
    Sending magic healing bubbles.

  14. R is definitely one very special dog!! ♥♥♥
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets


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