Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Wildflowers Galore

What a year we're having for wildflowers. They are bursting into bloom everywhere! Here's a fave of mine.

The meadows are like paintings with every color imaginable.

Mariposa Lilies bloom here every year but never like this year. It's like a super-bloom! Meadow trails are my favorite right now so that I can enjoy the countless lilies.

The Locoweed has also been crazy. Purple is my favorite color so I love Locoweed (and that chocolate Lab in the photo)!
I hope that you are having a similarly beautiful summer. Our wildflowers are later than in most parts of country but they're worth the wait!


  1. Your wildflowers are absolutely beautiful!

  2. Such pretty flowers and a beautiful Shyla!

  3. Love that columbine :) Everything seems late to me this summer, including my garden which is a bit of a concern but all I can do is keep tending it and hope the season will be long enough for vegetables to produce. I noticed young boneset and joe pye weed beginning to bud last week, so there will soon be more color in the woods.

  4. You sure have lots of beautiful wild flowers around you. Shyla sure looks happy to be romping among them too.

  5. My bucket list,if I had one, would be to take a hike thru your beautiful field of wildflowers with you two lovely ladies!!
    Hugs Cecilia

  6. awesome flowers and photos... I wonder if it is because of the heat. bob is watching Drag Racing on DVR from last night, somewhere in CO, not sure where and he said the cars can't get all the way down the strip because the strip is liqid from the heat and they can't get traction

  7. The only plant wild around here is weeds!!!
    THe flowers are beautiful!

  8. Hari OM
    Our 'summer' is extremely disappointing - I am sure somewhere in the country there might be such as you show us - but not around the Hutch, I fear! that makes me all the more glad to visit here. YAM xx

  9. Absolutely beautiful! Here in the city we don't see wildflowers very often.

  10. We have some lovely wildflowers here as well. I love the varied colors and sizes. Nice photographs of your meadows.

  11. Those flowers must make your cycling inspirational...as does Shyla.

  12. Love that first picture. What a beautiful part of the country.

  13. Oh, my! What beautiful wild flowers.

  14. We are still waiting on our "super bloom." (sigh)

  15. All the spring moisture was a real boon for wildflowers.

  16. All of the wild flowers are so beautiful. It would be such a splendor to walk that trail with all the flowers and see Shyla running and happy!

  17. We don't have as many beautiful wildflowers around our property as you do, so I'm glad we have our gardens. It seems to be the perfect year for things to grow profusely!
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets


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