Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Moose Frolic at a Water Hole

The moose know how to deal with our hot weather. They play with utter abandon in the nearby ponds.

They seem to love to lift their front hooves out of the water and splash the water high into the air, just like human kids. These are young bull moose... so they play like children!

One of the pair was definitely wilder than the other. He kept splashing and splashing and splashing.

He also was a bit of a bully, chasing the other one out of the water.

If you have time, I bet that you'll smile at the video of their frolicking good time in the water. The temperature is wrong on the video. It's never been 107°F here but it must have been warm by our standards. Enjoy the video!

Many Thanks to the LLB Gang for hosting the Nature Friday Blog Hop.


  1. MINE, MINE, MINE!!! I thinks that's what the splashin' moosie was sayin'! BOL! I feel sorry for the other moosie....I hopes they came back later after the pond-hog was gone
    Ruby ♥

  2. Hari OM
    Yes, I rather think that was territorial stamping, which would be done on land as well - he wasn't going to let the smaller moose have any of it!!! wonderful to watch though. YAM xx

  3. We laughed out loud at about the halfway point in the video when the standing moose decided to sit down with that goofy look on his face☺ They looked like they were having so much fun!

  4. Such amazing fun, they sure were having a blast!

  5. That sure was fun! We bet that felt great on such a hot day even if it wasn't 107.

  6. That was fun to watch! Your cameras are well placed.

  7. it looks like the animal world has bullies also... they are so funny and I know it feels good. perhaps the temp gauge was in direct sun. I have taken ours when it says 90 and held it in my hand while in direct sun and it will go that high. in the shade it drops to 90...

  8. Beautiful. You have such wonders in your neck of the woods.

    Have a fabulous day and weekend. ♥

  9. It seems funny to say frolicking moose since they are such gigantic creatures, but they are frolicking!

  10. That guy sure is a silly one, but at least he knows how to enjoy himself. The other one seemed cautious around his buddy, almost anticipating that chasing. Thanks for the smiles.

  11. Definitely the King of the Pond! Fantastic to see them relaxed and enjoying the water. Have seen moose under garden sprinklers in built-up areas, but so much more interesting to see them in the wild.

  12. What gleeful fun (even if there was some bullying in there). I always thought moose were mostly solitary? Maybe there some some encroachment issues on moose decorum?

  13. What a great way to spend a morning, just like a couple of kids.

  14. You were so right...it gave me a much needed giggle to watch the video! What a character "the splasher" is!

  15. They are just like a couple of kids Ha Ha
    Mabel & Hilda

  16. Horses do that smack-the-water thing too, but I've never seen one go on and on and on like this moose. I hope the other one eventually got to enjoy the water!

  17. Wow,,, that video and photos!!! How fun to watch the happy moose!


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